Y4 Chapter 9

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~Dance Practice with the Slythriens~

Stella's Pov

You wanna know the worst thing ever. Is that when your potions teacher gives you dance lessons. That's right I Stella Evelyn Black had to take dance lessons from Snivellius, my father is crying his ballerina arse after seeing this sight, his daughter learning to dance from a Snape. And something even worse is that he called on me to be his partner. I feel like throwing up. 

"Now that you have seen how the waltz works partner up and do the dance," Snape said in his usual monotone voice. 

"I feel so bad for you," Theodore said as he walked up to me. 

"I feel bad for myself," I say wiping my hands off on my robes and Theo chuckled. 

"You wanna be partners?" he asked and I nodded. "So who are you thinking of going to the ball with?" 

"Hmmm... I don't know maybe Peter," I say thoughtfully. 

"The new kid?" Theo asks and I nod. 

"Who are you taking?" I ask him. 

"Maybe Daphne," he says. 

A few minutes later Snape dismissed them to go to dinner. 

~Time skip to 2 days before the Yule Ball~

Peter's Pov

Me, Fred, and George were outside of the Great Hall with flower petals and I had a broomstick, that's right a flying magical broomstick that I have never ridden before but I am going to ride it in front of everyone to ask out Stella Black to go to the Yule Ball with me. 

"Parker, you read?" George asked. 

"Yes," I said. 

"Ok, you know the plan, we both are going to go in and throw flowers at her and then you make the big entrance on the broom and ask her out," Fred said. 

"Yep, very easy," I lied in reality I wanted to throw up, I was feeling sick. 

"Ok get ready Parker," George said and the two of them went into the Great Hall. 

I could hear the commotion that was going on inside. I got on top of the broom and almost fell off but after I was able to sit on it without falling I very gracefully flew inside. 

"Stella Black would you-woah-um would you like to go to the Yule Ball with me?" I asked. For a minute she stared at me, I was getting worried and then her lips curled into a smile and I was smiling too. 

"Yes Peter I will," Stella said smiling. 

Fred and George cheered. "Go American boy!" they yelled. 

Excidelty jumped up and fell down my broom and hit the ground. Many people gasped and some people like Malfoy and his goons were laughing. 

"Mr. Parker are you ok?" McGonagall asked worriedly. 

"I am fine," I said putting a thumbs up, and got up. 

"Thank you," I said looking at Stella. 

"For what?" she asked. 

"For saying yes because if you didn't I would have made a fool myself," I say. 

"Oh you did make a fool of yourself by going splat on the ground," Stella said. 

"We do not speak of that," I say. 

"Ok, well I will see you tomorrow in class," Stella said. 

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