Y5 Chapter 5

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A/N: Spam me with comments I really enjoy reading them!

3rd Pov

"Finally, we get to go to Hogwarts," Harry said. Y/n was laying on Harry's chest while he was playing with her hair. 

They had 30 minutes before they had to leave to platform 9 3/4 so they were laying down and enjoying each other's company because they wouldn't get a lot of that once school started. 

"I don't know, what if people believe the Daily Prophet and think I am murder," Y/n said. 

"That won't happen," Harry comforted her. "Everyone knows everything in the Prophet is bullshit," 

"Ok, but we still have our OWLs I am going to do horribly," Y/n said. She was being really negative right now. 

"You are one of the best students you will be fine. Why are you worrying so much?" Harry said stroking her hair. 

"I don't know I just have this weird feeling that something bad is going to happen this year," Y/n said. "I have had this feeling since last night,"

"Calm down love, it's just your nerves," Harry said kissing her forehead. 

"I want to stay like this forever," Y/n said looking up at Harry. 

"I want to too but if we don't start getting ready now we will be late and I don't want what happened to me and Ron in second year to happen again," Harry said. "Ron almost died! Do you realize how traumatizing that is for a 12-year-old to watch his friend about to fall off from a moving vehicle?"

"It said in the contract when we became your friends that you would have near-death experiences," Y/n said smiling. 

"I have a friendship contract?" Harry cocked his eyebrow. 

"No who do you think you are fucking Prince Charming?" Y/n said. "Oh I am so special I need a friendship contract to make sure people are good enough to be my friends," she said trying to mimick Harry. 

"Was that supposed to sound like me?" Harry asked laughing, Y/n nodded. "Well, you failed,"

Y/n shrugged. "Eh. I have failed at many things," 

"Hey, guys we are leaving in a few minutes so like get ready," A voice came from outside their door. 

"ALRIGHT!" Y/n called back. "Well we better get ready," she said getting up. 

"Five more minutes," Harry said grabbing her hand and pulling her back down. 

"You were just saying how we need to get come like 2 minutes ago," Y/n said looking up at him. 

"Well... people change their minds, I want to stay like this for a while I am very comfortable right now," Harry said nuzzling against Y/ns neck. 

 "Alright only 5 minutes," Y/n said. "And don't you dare fall back asleep, we woke up only 2 hours ago,"

"Mhm," Harry responded. "I won't,"

"Hypocrite," Y/n whispered. 

~17.65 minutes later~

"Shit we gotta go," Y/n said looking at the clock. 

Harry lied he had fallen asleep and it wasn't just him Y/n had fallen asleep too. Now they had 2 minutes till they had to leave. 

"I told you not to sleep!" Y/n exclaimed brushing her hair violently. 

"Woah, Woah you are going to rip off your hair," Harry said taking a hold of her hairbrush. "And we are just a few minutes late," Y/n sent him a glare. 

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