Y7 Chapter 2

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3rd Pov

"Where are you going?" Y/n mumbled in her sleep. 

Harry froze at the door with his hand on the doorknob. "The loo," 

"Mhmm," Y/n turned to her pillow. When Harry was sure she had fallen back asleep, he slowly opened the door and crept out. 

He walked down the creaky staircase ensuring not to make too much noise to wake someone up, slowly but surely he reached the front door. He took a deep breath before opening the door, this was it, he was going to leave everything and everyone he had ever known behind and do what he was born to do. 

Harry must have only walked 100 meters before there was the sound of the door opening and closing, followed by hurried footsteps. "Going somewhere?" The person called. 

Harry stopped and then turned around to find Ron standing a few meters away from him. "Nobody else is going to die. Not for me." 

"For you?" Ron spat out as Harry continued to walk away. "You think Mad-Eye died for you? You think George took that curse for you?" 

"You may be the Chosen One mate but this is a whole lot bigger than that, it's always been bigger than that," 

"Come with me," Harry said facing Ron. 

"What and leave Hermione and Y/n?" Ron questioned. "We won't survive two days without them,"

"Y/n has decided she is going to stay at Hogwarts," Harry said.

"But what about Hermione?" Ron exclaimed. "Besides you still got the Trace on you, we've still got the wedding-" 

"I don't care about a wedding. I'm sorry, no matter whose it is," Harry said sternly. "I have to start finding these Horcruxes. They are our only chance to beat him and the longer we stay here... the stronger he gets." 

"Tonight's not the night, mate," Ron said. "We'd only do him a favor," 

Harry thought about it for a few seconds and then walked towards Ron, the both of them walked back to the house. They walked together in silence until Ron asked. "You think he knows? I mean they're bits of his soul these Horcruxes. Bits of him." He paused before continuing. 

"When Dumbledore destroyed the ring, you destroyed Tom Riddle's diary, he must have felt something," 


"This is all so weird, is it not?" Stella asked Y/n as they got ready for the today's festivities. "A wedding amidst a war," 

"Well I guess that is what makes is so special, having something like a wedding in the middle of so much.... chaos," Y/n said looking straight at the mirror, brushing her hair. 

"Definitely a memorable story for the kids," Stella chuckled. 

"Y/n!" Mrs. Weasley called from downstairs. "The Minister of Magic is here to see you," 

Y/n and Stella looked at each other. "What could he want with you?" Stella asked furrowing her eyebrows. 

"I don't know," Y/n said, she wearily got up and went down stairs. 

Stella had suggested to come down with her, but Y/n thought it best if she was alone. She knew whatever this was she needed to deal with this without the presence of others. But of course when did the world ever give her what she needed? 

"Ron, Hermione, Harry, you all are here too?" Y/n asked walking in front of the sofa where they were sitting. 

All of them had something in their hands, Hermione had a book, Ron a lighter? No it couldn't be a simple lighter, a deluminator! Yes that made more sense. Finally Harry was holding a snitch, which was odd to say the least. 

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