Y5 Chapter 13

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A/n: Have fun reading this chapter! :P

3rd Pov

When the group arrived at Kings Cross Station no one was there to pick them up, which was understandable because everyone must be busy with work and the Weasleys with whatever happened to Mr. Weasley. 

"I guess we will have to walk alone," Y/n said looking around. 

"Do you know the way?" Peter asked. 

"Yeah, Stella does," Y/n looked at her. 

"I don't," Stella said smiling awkwardly. 

"So no one is here to pick us up and we don't know the way," Hermione said. "Wonderful," 

"We'll find out a way," Y/n said. "Let's leave the station first at least," 

"Can't you teleport us?" Peter asked Y/n. 

"We don't learn apparition until our sixth year," Hermione informed. 

"No, I am talking about Y/n teleporting us," 

"I don't think I can do that, I mean I haven't ever done it," Y/n said. "I could conjure up a map to help us find the way," 

"That's a good idea," Stella said. "Oh also do you think we could stop for ice cream?" 

Y/n snapped her fingers and a large map appeared in her hands. "No, it's December and it's fucking cold," 

"What about hot ice cream?" Stella suggested. 

"So like hot chocolate?" Peter asked. 

"Yeah," Hermione said. "I would love hot chocolate," 

"Bloody hell, you all are like kids, wait till we get home," Y/n said. "Whenever that is,"

"Did you find a way?" Stella asked. 

"No, I am freaking Sherlock, I can't figure things out in a second," Y/n said turning the map upside down trying to find Grimmauld Place. 

After walking for thirty minutes everyone was feeling tired. "How much longer?" Hermione asked, dragging her trunk behind her. 

"Well we are at Cornwell street right now and Grimmauld place is another 5 kilometers away," Y/n said looking at the map. (That is around 3.1 miles) 

"That's so far away, I want to take a break," Stella said, sitting down in the middle of the road. 

"If you sit in the middle of the road you are going to get killed," Peter said taking her hand a pulling her up. 

As soon as Stella got up, a car zoomed past them. "Did you know that was going to happen?"

"No, just a coincidence," Peter lied. He in fact did know that something was going to go past them because of his enhanced senses. 

"Alright well let's get walking people, we don't have time," Y/n said. 

"Can't you fly us there?" Hermione asked tiredly. 

"Oh yeah, I can very easily fly three people plus their trunks for 5 kilometers. Do you realize how much energy and power I would use up?" 

"Well, wouldn't you do that for your amazing, supportive, best friends?" Stella said with puppy dog eyes. 

Y/n stared at her for a minute. "NO," and started to walk forward. 


After walking for 50 minutes, everyone was extremely tired but they had arrived at Grimmauld Place. "We are here!" Y/n declared. "All we need to do now is to picture Number 12 Grimmauld Place and we can walk in," 

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