Y5 Chapter 16

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Harry's Pov

I go to the common room after a very long and dramatic event in Dumbledore's office where he literally burst into flames, thinking I would get some rest but as I get closer I heard shouting. Not surprising there have been fights like everyday. I say the door and go inside and find that it was Y/n and Ron who were arguing. 

"-Harry betrayed my trust do you know how it feels when the person you are in love with betrays you!" Y/n yelled. 

I stood there in shock, there were so many things going through my head. I could tell that Y/n was just as shocked as me saying it out loud. 

"Y-your in love with me?" I manage to say somehow. 

"I-uh," Y/n stuttered trying to find the right words on what to say.

A little spark distracted my attention from Y/n's face to her hands. She was going to use her magic to make be forget about this.

"Don't," I say walking up to Y/n and grabbing a hold of her hand. "Just answer me,"

3rd Pov

The entire common room had gone quite and was watching Y/n and Harry.

The two of them were standing very close to each other, so close that they could hear each other's heart beat.

"Y/n Ascella Lupin-Black do you love me?" Harry asked. 

"Can we talk about this somewhere more private, also don't call me by my full name, it's weird," Y/n said. 

"Fine," Harry said and pulled her out of the common room and to the Room of Requirements. Which had turned into a cozy little space, with a fireplace, bookshelf and a couch that felt it was made of clouds. 

"Tell me now because I need to know!" Harry exclaimed more aggressively now. 

"Why does it matter? It's not like you tell me anything," Y/n said matching his tone. 

"Are we really doing this again?" Harry asked. "I told you I didn't know how to tell you. Why can't you just understand?" 

"I-" Y/n sighs and sits down on the couch. "I don't know maybe because it's Cho Chang and I know that you liked her last year and she is this model who is smart and just perfection and I am a mess who hurt you and many people and the world thinks I am this monster," Y/n said picking at her hand. 

"I guess that I am just insecure of her," 

"You are insecure of Cho Chang?" Harry asked her with a small smirk, Y/n was still looking down and nodded. "You are literally the most amazing person to walk this earth and you are so wonderful, I can't even use words to describe you," 

"And you are most certainly not a monster the Daily Prophet and Ministry are just a whole bunch of idiots who are scared of you because you are more powerful than the entirety of the Wizarding world combined," This made Y/n smile a little. 

"And Cho Chang may be a model but you are an actual goddess who has blessed us with being here," (only if 15 year olds were like this in real life)

"Oh shut up," Y/n said putting her head in her hands to hide her blush. 

"What it's true!" Harry said laughing. 

"You are so cheesy," Y/n said looking at him. "And that's why I love you,

Harry tackled Y/n in a hug making her shriek and hit her back on the couch. "Oh my god I love you so much," He said peppering her face with kisses. 

"Harry," Y/n laughed. "Harry-stop, we need to go back," 

"Or we could just stay here in peace?" Harry suggested looking down at her. 

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