Y6 Chapter 1

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3rd Pov

Environment in the Lupin cottage was tense, the talking was to a minimum along with the interactions.

Stella was in a especially bad place, she wouldn't talk unless absolutely necessary and cry herself to sleep most days.

Remus or Sirius weren't doing much better either, right after Lizzie's funeral Remus was out for days on a mission.

Sirius was taking the full blame for Lizzie's death saying that because of him another person died.

With everyone being an unstable state Y/n had to much work, like making sure Stella ate on time and that Sirius didn't start smoking again. Also sending letters to Remus making sure he was alright on the missions.

Though Y/n was still grieving she felt she needed to put her feelings aside and make sure everyone else was ok.

Now that the Death Eaters were on the rise, she had to make sure her friends were ok too, she sent weekly letters to Dean and Neville. She hadn't seen anyone since the funeral. Even her interactions with Harry were only through letters.

Everything felt sad, even the world, it was as if the sun was covered by the dark clouds constantly. Never a bright day on sight. Everytime you'd read the newspaper there would be another person dead or missing.

The world was falling apart and it wasn't just Y/n's.

~1 week before Hogwarts~

It was a rainy night with thunder striking down.

"Wow, it's really raining hard," Y/n said looking out the window. "Dad is supposed to come back today hopefully he ok,"

"Y/n he's a wizard he will be fine he can apparate," Sirius said.

"I know but still I am worried," Y/n said looking at her father.

"You shouldn't worry about us, we are adults you need to care of yourself," Sirius said.

"It's hard to think about myself in these times," Y/n said.

"Let's do one thing school is starting how about we visit Fred and George's new shop huh?" Sirius suggested. "What'd you say Stella?"

"I don't really want to go," Stella said not looking up from her drawing pad. 

"Oh come on 'Ella you need to get out sometime, you can't just sit here and be sad," Sirius said, going to sit down next to her. 

"It's hard to do anything without her," Stella said her voice breaking. 

"I know," Sirius said. "It'll be ok overtime you will learn to look at the good things at life," 

"I don't think I ever can," She said looking at Sirius with teary eyes. There hadn't been a time where Stella could talk about Lizzie without crying. 

"That's what I thought when I first lost James, now Lizzie and even when I found out about Reggie," Sirius said. "But I turned to the people who were there for me, my family and I hoped that maybe things would get better and I am still hoping," 

"Thank you Uncle Sirius," Stella said with a small smile. "That was very motivating," 

"Oh," Sirius brushed it off. 

"Thank you," Stella said again hugging him. 

Which shocked Sirius. "Oh wow you haven't hugged me since you were well... one," Stella chuckled. 

Y/n joined them too. "I was feeling left out," She said, making everyone laugh. 

"Come on now, let's eat," Sirius said. As they walked over to the dining table there was a knock on the door. 

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