Y4 Chapter 4

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*Spoiler warning* Anyone who is thinking that Peter is going to be a love interest I am sorry to break your heart but he isn't, because if I did that then I would have to choose between Harry and Peter and I am not doing that. I am not breaking my bby Peter's heart. 

3rd Pov

The next morning Y/n woke up early(shocking) and decided to go to the boy's dormitory to wake them and she was going to do that by putting her radio in their room and blasting Bezos I, a song that had come out this summer, so they hear the noise and wake up. Y/n got out of bed and took her radio from her trunk very quietly so she didn't wake the others up, then she tip-toped down her dorm and went to the boy's dormitory. 

Y/n went into the dormitory which looked like it hadn't been cleaned in 100 years, it's been one night and they had already managed to trash their dormitory, kind of impressive. She placed her record on the floor in the middle of all of their beds and started the song. 

*Clap, Clap* 

"CEO, entrepreneur

Born in 1964

Jeffery, Jeffery Bezos"

*Clap, Clap*

The music was so loud it startled all of them and they all got up. "Bloody hell, Y/n, you gave me a fucking heart attack," Dean said. 

"Sorry," Y/n said trying not to laugh.

"I thought were getting attacked," Neville said looking down. 

"I am sorry Neville, I didn't mean to scare you, how about we go to the greenhouse today after classes, would you forgive me then?" Y/n said. Neville looked up at her. 

"I would love that!" he said excitedly. 

"Don't scare us like that again!" Seamus yelled. 

"I won't I promise," Y/n said innocently. She was definitely going to do it again.

"Does she do this every day?" Peter asked. 

"Not every day, but she does do it often," Ron said

"I fucking you hate you for this Y/n," Harry said putting on his glasses.

"Oh come on Harold, we all know you love me," Y/n said winking. The other five boys turned to look at Harry who was blushing. "Now that I have ruined your morning I am going back," she said picking up her radio and leaving the room. "Thank you... for your cooperation," she said and left. 

"It hasn't even been a day and I already wanna go home,"  Peter said inside his head. 


At 8:20 Y/n, Hermione, Harry, Ron, and Peter walked to the Great Hall for breakfast, as soon as they entered people stared at Peter, who in one night had become, the new pretty boy, which is unbelievable but they also go to a magic school. 

In the middle of having breakfast Y/n exclaimed. "Merlin!" which scared everyone, she looked at Peter who was sitting across from her, and said. "I didn't introduce you to my cousin," 

"Your cousin as in Stella Black right?" Peter asked. 

"How do you know her?" Y/n asked. 

"Oh- um...uh, uh. Your family is very popular, everyone everywhere knows about your family, even in Illvermony," Peter said. Y/n nodded she didn't completely believe him but didn't think too much about it, maybe he was just nervous and her family was pretty popular.

"So um.. where is she I want to meet her," Peter said. 

"Oh yes, she is sitting at the Slytherin table, let me look for her," Y/n said standing up. "Oi Stella, get your ass over here!" she yelled spotting her cousin. 

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