Y5 Chapter 9

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3rd Pov

The castle of Hogwarts was falling apart, dead bodies lay on the ground, Hermione, Ron, Peter, Stella, Remus, Sirius, Elizabeth, Fred, George, everyone she loved and was friends with was dead while Voldemort stood smiling surrounded by his Death Eaters, something terrible had happened. 

"You did this," Voldemort's voice came in a whisper. 

Then Harry came into sight, his face covered in blood and dirt, he looked much older. "You could have saved us," was all he said and disappeared. 

Y/n eyes shot open, Hermione was looking over her. "Nightmare again?" Y/n nodded. 

"What was it this time?" Hermione said sitting next to Y/n. 

"Hogwarts in ruins, a lot of dead bodies and..." 

"And?" Hermione urged the girl to continue on. 

"Everyone was dead and-," Y/n said, she was staring at the rug with a blank expression on her face. She was covered in sweat and her shirt stuck to her body. 


"I was," Y/n sighed. "I did it well that's what Voldemort and Harry said, I didn't save you all," 

"Oh Merlin," Hermione gasped. 

"I didn't save you," Y/n repeated looking at the rug.

"Hey, it's just a dream you're fine we are all here and we are all alive you don't need to worry," Hermione said placing a hand on her shoulders.  "You should get ready we are going to meet Hagrid," 

"But we have classes," Y/n said. 

"It's a Saturday," Hermione smiled. "Now get ready, the others are waiting for you," 

"They are already up?" Y/n asked. 

"Yeah, I got up and saw smoke coming out of Hagrid's hut so I woke everyone else up so we could go see him," Hermione explained. 

"Ok, I will be there in a minute," Y/n said and Hermione left. 

Y/n went to the bathroom and got ready, when she came out she saw Parvati and a random dude on Parvati's bed mid-make-out session. "Well this is awkward,"  Y/n thought. 

"Y/N!" Parvati shrieked backing away from the boy. "I-uh-I thought you were all gone," 

"Surprise?" Y/n chuckled nervously. "I just need to get my wand and leave," 

Parvati and the boy sat there awkwardly while Y/n looked for her wand.  "Aha," Y/n cheered picking up the wand. "He's a good-looking boy by the way," she whispered to Parvati and left. 

"Y/n get out," Parvati whispered back. 

"Enjoy," Y/n winked and went out the door. 

"Sorry about her," Parvati chuckled awkwardly looking at the boy who was sitting on her bed. 


"Her Highness has finally arrived," Harry announced when Y/n walked downstairs. "I hope you had a wonderful slumber, your highness," he took her hands in his, which made a flinch slightly, and kissed it. 

"What happened?"

"What?" Y/n asked. 

"You have that look on your face like something really bad happened," Harry said. 

"No, I am fine," Y/n waved it off smiling. 

"Y/n tell him the dream," Hermione said. 

"Dream what dream?" Peter asked. 

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