Y6 Chapter 4

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3rd Pov

The Gryffindor common room was for once quiet, the only noises that could be heard were the scribbles of quill on parchment and the soft crackling of the fire. 

"You know Ron, you should really be doing your homework, instead of just sleeping on the floor," Hermione told Ron, who was laying face down on the floor. 

"I will do it eventually!" Ron said, without looking up.

"When you have so much homework that you stay up all night crying?" Hermione asked. 

"Bloody hell, why are you so annoyed?" Ron asked getting up. 

"Probably because Harry passed her in Potions," Y/n said without looking up from her work. 

"No! I am not that petty," Hermione said. "I just want to know how he magically became so good at Potions," 

"Speaking of Harry, where is he?" Ron asked. 

"He went to meet Dumbledore, he's giving Harry some private lessons I think, I am not too sure," Y/n said. 

"What kind of private lessons?" Ron asked. 

"I don't know, just ask Harry when he comes back," Y/n said. "Also Peter hasn't come back yet. I swear to merlin if he is fucking my cousin," 

"Y/n I assure you I was not fucking Stella," Peter said coming in and sitting next to her on the sofa. 

"You were gone for an hour," Y/n said narrowing her eyes. 

"Yes, we were talking, I hadn't talked to her all of summer break," Peter said. 

"Fair," Y/n said. 

"Oh do you guys know when the Quidditch tryouts are going to be?" Peter asked. 

"I think it's next week," Ron said. "Are you going to tryout again?" 

"Yeah, it was really fun last year, might as well do it again," Peter said. 

"You know I was thinking of trying out too," Y/n said. "After two years of not being able to play, I really want to get back on the field," 

"Oh that would be brilliant!" Ron exclaimed. 

"Yeah, but remember to not use your powers," Peter said. Y/n stared at him with wide eyes, Peter stared back at her. 

"What?" Hermione asked. "What powers?" 

"Y/n what is Parker talking about?" Ron asked. 

"Nothing," Y/n said, and reluctantly used her powers to make Ron and Hermione forget about this. "Peter can I talk to you for a minute? I need to write an essay about American football for Muggle Studies," 

"Mhm... sure," Peter said. "Should we go to my dorm?" 

"Yeah," Y/n said. "I'll talk to you guys later," She told Hermione and Ron. 

"Bye," The two bid her goodbye and Y/n walked to the boys dormitory with Peter. 

No one was in the dorm, since it was still much before curfew, they went in the dorm and Y/n locked the door. 

"How do you know?" Y/n asked Peter. "I erased that memory from every witch and wizard! The only way you could know is if..." she looked at Peter who was avoiding her gaze. "Who are you Peter Parker and what are you doing here?" 

"I am not a wizard, I am just a muggle," Peter said sitting down on his bed. "You might want to sit down for this it is a long story," 

Y/n sat down on the bed across from him. "Go on," 

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