Y4 Chapter 5

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3rd POV

The next day after classes Y/n  went to change into something more comfortable and then hang out with Fleur.

"Y/n why don't you want to hang out with us today?" Hermione asked as Y/n was getting ready. Hermione wasn't uh... very fond of Fleur because of the same reason many girls weren't, Fleur was pretty and she makes them jealous by just existing. 

"Hermione just because you're jealous of her doesn't mean she isn't nice," Y/n said brushing her hair. 

"I am not jealous of her," Hermione said. Y/n stopped brushing her hair and gave Hermione a look that said 'Stop lying to yourself,' and then finished doing her hair.

"So you are still hanging out with her?" Hermione asked. 

"Yes, Hermione!" Y/n said. "I will see you in the Great Hall when they are picking the champions," she said and left. 

Y/n went down to the courtyard where Fleur was waiting for her. "So what do you want to do first?" she asked her. 

"I don't care you choose," Fleur said. 

"I am asking you,"

"I honestly don't care,"

"Fine, I will show you around the castle and then we can go to the Black Lake," Y/n said. 

"So you did have everything planned," Fleur said smiling. 

"......Yes, but me being the nice wonderful person I am still asked for your opinion," Y/n said. "Now shall we begin our journey to the castle m'lady?" She asked giving her hand to Fleur. 

"We shall," Fleur said holding Y/n's hand. 

Y/n showed Fleur all the common rooms and classrooms, the kitchens, and some secret spots that not many people knew about. After their tour, Y/n and Fleur walked to the Black Lake a basket filled with snacks they had gotten from the kitchen. 

"That was fun," Fleur said sitting down. 

"It was," Y/n said. 

"So tell me a little about yourself," Fleur said taking a chocolate chip muffin from the basket and handing it to Y/n. 

"Well for starters I am a human," Y/n said taking a bite of the muffin. 

"Most people are," Fleur said laughing. "Something about you like the classes you like or a special talent," 

"I have these powers there are multiple things I can do, what did dad(Remus)say they were? Oh yes, flying, telekinesis, energy manipulation, and something called neuroelectric interfacing which gives me the ability to read people's minds and make them relive their worst nightmare," Y/n said. Fleur looked impressed. 

"Wow," she said softly. "That seems amazing,"

"It's not as amazing as you think," Y/n said. "It's not that I don't like these powers I just feel overwhelmed sometimes and I don't tell anyone that because I don't think they would be able to help me and I don't want them to feel pity for me. I am sorry we were supposed to be having fun and I am here pretending I am the main character of a book," she said. 

"Oh no I don't mind," Fleur said. "And if you ever need someone to talk to you can talk to me and speaking of powers I have some too," 

"Really what are they?" Y/n asked intrigued. 

"I can enchant men and women," Fleur said whispering the last part. "And if two people who are supposed to be soulmates, they stand together there is a gold light around them that only a Veela can see," 

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