Y3 Chapter 8

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3rd POV

"Harry I think it's a good idea if we have some light because I can't see anything," Y/n said. Harry and she were walking in a dark and empty corridor looking for Peter Pettigrew. 

"Lumos," Harry said. 

"That's better," Y/n said. "Where does it say that Pettigrew is?" she asked. 

Harry looked at the map closely and stopped. "It says he is right here," He said. "But that's not possible he isn't here," 

"That's not possible, this map never lies," Y/n said. "He has to be here," she said and noticed a rat run in front of them. 

"Hey isn't that Scabbers," Harry said pointing the rat out. "What's he doing here?"

"Harry I really don't care about what a rat is doing here," Y/n said. "Give me the map maybe you didn't see it right and Pettigrew was never even here," she said and Harry handed her the map. She looked at the map it still showed Pettigrew's name but only Scabbers was there not Pettigrew. 

"What if this is Pettigrew in his animagus form?"  Y/n thought. She bent down to take a closer look at the rat and noticed that it was missing a toe. Y/n was shocked. Remus had told her that when Pettigrew died all that was left of him was a finger and she also knew that Pettigrew was an animagus. "Oh my god," she mumbled and got up. 

"What happened?" Harry asked. Y/n didn't say anything. She had just found out that Peter Pettigrew was alive and her theory about her dad being framed was correct. 

"Did you see something on the map?" Harry asked taking the map from her hands. "Shit," he mumbled. 

"What happened?" Y/n said finally snapping out of her thoughts. Harry showed her the map and she saw the name 'Severus Snape' walking towards them. "What do we do?" she asked panicking. 

"I don't know you're the smart one," Harry said, he was also panicking. "Do something quick Snape is getting closer," 

"Shut up I am trying to think," Y/n snapped. "Uhhh...... oh I know," she said and snapped her fingers and she had a suit of armor instead of the pajamas she was wearing.

"What are you doing?" Harry asked. 

"I am disguising myself, so I don't get caught," Y/n said and positioned herself like the other suit of armors that are in the school.

"What about me?" Harry asked. 

"Uh.... didn't think about that," Y/n said hesitantly. 

"Oh great," Harry mumbled. 

"Potter," They heard someone sneer. Harry mumbled 'Mischief managed,' and turned around putting the Marauder's Map in his pocket and Y/n put her helmet down to cover her face. 

"What are you doing here," Snape asked. 

"Uh.. sleepwalking," Harry said. Y/n mentally facepalmed. 

"Just like your father he too liked to strut around the castle late at night," Snape said. 

"My father didn't strut and nor do I," Harry snapped. 

"He did strut," Y/n mumbled but she was too loud and Snape heard her. 

"Is there someone else here?" Snape asked Harry. 

"No, not that I know of," Harry said. "You know I should get to bed it's getting late," Harry said and quickly turned around he thought he was going to get away but the map fell from his pocket with a light thud. At that moment Harry and Y/n's hearts froze. 

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