Y7 Chapter 6

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Y/n's POV


When I regained conscious, darkness was the only thing surrounding me. Darkness and pain. My head had been pounding and every part of my body ached. I tried to move around to sit more comfortably but I couldn't move. 

"They have chained us up," A voice came from next to me. 

I was startled a first and then I realised that Luna had been taken with me as well. I reached for my ankles and felt the cold metal around them. 

"And they have our wands as well," I sighed slumping against the cold hard wall. "Luna are you alright?" I asked after a few seconds. 

"Oh yes, quite, it's just a bit chilly," Luna said. She spoke in such a calm tone even though we were chained up in a dungeon surrounded with Death Eaters on the floor above us. 

All of a sudden there was a flash of light, I closed my eyes and only tried to open them when I heard the hurried steps on the cobblestone floor. 

"Get up the Dark Lord wants to see you," Before I could say anything I was held up by my arm and being pulled up and out of the dungeon. 

Once my eyes finally adjusted to the light around, I saw that I was inside the Malfoy Manor, and in front of me stood Voldemort and the Malfoy family along with Bellatrix. I turned around to see the man who was holding me, and jolted away from his grip. It was Peter Pettigrew and I was way too close to him, I could practically see the mold on his face. 

"So Y/n Lupin-Black is it?" Voldemort said walking up closer to me. 

"No it's Tom Riddle," I said. It wasn't the best thing to say, it was probably the worst thing to say in this situation. I could be killed any minute because of this comment, but in my head it seemed like a good idea. 

"Don't you dare mock him," Bellatrix yelled. Voldemort raised a hand to stop her. 

"It is alright Bella, I like the confidence," Voldemort smiled. "We won't have to make her talk much before she blabbers something about Harry Potter," 

"I know nothing about him," I say. "I haven't spoken to him for ages, we have broken up, you see," 

"Children," Voldemort sighed. "You must know something about the Order, you're fathers are a part of it," 

"Yeah, it's their book club," I say. What the hell was I saying? 

"B-book club?" 

"Yeah, they have told me they have this book club called the Order of the Phoenix, and they meet a few times a month and talk about books... dressed as phoenixes," 

Seriously what is going through my brain? 

"She must still be shaken up from hitting her head," Drao said, he didn't meet my gaze but kept his eyes to the floor. "We should question her when she is in a more stable state of mind," 

"Draco is right," Narcissa said, she did look at me, though I couldn't tell if she was doing this as a way of helping me or she really thought I was mentally unstable. "She is clearly out of her mind," 

Voldemort pondered for a moment. "Very well then," He finally said and motioned for Peter Pettigrew to take me down again. 

And in a flash I was back in the dark dungeon, sitting on the cold, hard, cobblestone. 


3rd POV

The Death Eaters had left the train and it had been more than five minutes since their departure but Luna and Y/n still hadn't returned to their compartment. 

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