Y3 Chapter 2

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A/N: I was really scared to upload this chapter because I didn't like it but here it is.

3rd Pov 

Y/n, Harry, Ron, and Hermione got off the train and went inside the great hall for the sorting and start of the year feast. They were sitting at the Gryffindor table talking when they heard someone say "Psst, Potter, Potter," they turned around to see Draco Malfoy "Is it true that you fainted, I mean you actually fainted," he said and all the Slytherins howled with laughter.

"Shove off Malfoy," Ron said pushing back Harry's shoulder so he faced back the table. 

"Every year I think maybe you have a character change but no you just get more and more annoying," Y/n said. 

"You know Draco you make me feel like committing a murder," Stella said who was sitting across from him. 

"Why are you taking their side?" Draco asked. 

"If you didn't know they are friends," 

"But I am your family and they are Gryffindors," 

"Blood doesn't make you family and, do you think I care what house they are in no I don't," Stella said. 


It was their first day back and they had classes right away. Y/n was still sleeping and Hermione was trying to get her best friend to get up for the day. 

"Y/NNNNNNNNNN!" Hermione yelled "Wake up!" she said throwing a pillow at her which stopped in mid-air. Hermione stood there shocked 'How did that happen?' she thought, just to make sure she wasn't imagining things she threw another pillow at her which also stopped in mid-air. 

After a couple of minutes, Y/n woke up stretching she looked around to find a very confused-looking Hermione staring at her. "Hey 'mione," Y/n said groggily as she got out of bed.  

"I threw pillows to wake you up how did it just stop in mid-air?" Hermione asked. 

"Oh, yea I put up a shield before going to bed last night because I knew that you would do anything in your power to wake me from my beautiful slumber," Y/n said smiling.

"Well get dressed we have class in 40 minutes," Hermione said and walked out of the dorm. Y/n started to get ready because if she didn't hurry she would have to face a very angry Hermione which she had no intention of facing on her first day back. 

Y/n was doing some light make and picked out her clothes while a levitating hairbrush, brushed her hair.  She got dressed and went to the common room. 

"What took you so long?" Harry asked. 

"This," Y/n said pointing to herself "Takes time, not everyone can roll out of bed and look like a model like you do," she said before Harry said anything Ron said.

"Let's go I am hungry," 

The four of them walked together to the Great Hall and Harry was still trying to understand if Y/n was joking when she said when he looked like a model or was she being serious.  He didn't even realize when they entered the Great Hall and sat down at their table.  "Harry?" Y/n asked "You ok, it looked like someone froze you, you weren't moving at all," Harry quickly broke from his trance. 

"Yeah I am fine," He said quickly eating his breakfast and they ran to the north tower for their first-period class which was Divination. 

The classroom looked like a mix between an attic and a tea shop. "Welcome, it's so good to see all physically at last," said an airy voice that startled the four Gryffindors. "I am Professor Trelawney and I am your divination teacher, we will be starting with tea leaf reading, everybody grab a teacup and find a partner and get started," she had huge glasses and was draped in shawls, and wore many necklaces. 

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