Y5 Chapter 1

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3rd Pov

"I AM NOT BI!" Peter yelled. 

"AND I AM NOT BI-ING IT!" Stella yelled and started playing "I kissed a boy by Jupither"

A little background information on what is going on. It had been a three weeks since summer break started and two weeks since Peter came to live with Stella at number 12 Grimmauld place because that is where the Order of the Phoenix headquarters was right now. 

The order was a secret organization made by Dumbledore in the first wizarding war to fight against Voldemort. 

Peter and Stella would watch a movie each night just by themselves because they barely had any alone time before that. 

Every time Peter would constantly say how good the male characters looked as well as the females this doesn't mean that Peter is gay or anything but it raised a question and Stella wanted to know the answer. 

"Ok I may be a little bit but I don't know," Peter said sitting down on Stella's bed. "It's so confusing," 

"Hey, it's fine you don't have to have it figured out right now," Stella said sitting down next to him. 

"Can I tell you something?" Peter said. 

"Yeah, what is it?" Stella asked.

"I.... uh... I like this girl, I really like her, like a lot but I don't know how to tell her because I don't know if she feels the same way," Peter said. 

"Well does she know you?" Stella asked. 

"Yeah, we have been friends for an entire year," Peter said looking at Stella. 

"Then you should tell her," Stella said. "And if she says no then she is stupid," Peter laughed. 

"You really think I should tell her?" He asked and Stella nodded. "Ok, then Stella Evelyn Black-" 

"Hey, Ella have you seen my wand?" Y/n asked entering Stella's room. 

"This annoying little bitch,"  Peter thought. "Whenever I am about to ask Stella out she walks in," 

"Y/n I was in the middle of something," Stella said as Y/n looked around Stella's room. 

"I am sorry, I just need my wand," Y/n said. 

"Why do you need it,  you can't do magic," Stella said. 

"I need it to put my hair up," Y/n said. 

"You are using your wand as a hair accessory?" Peter asked. 

"Well yeah, might as well make some use of that piece of stick when I am out of school and can't use it for magic," Y/n said as though it was obvious. 

"Y/n why would your wand be in Stella's room?" Peter asked. 

"I don't know, I put my stuff wherever I want," Y/n said looking under Stella's bed. 

"Did you check the pantry?" Stella asked. 

"No. I did not I will go do that because I can't find it anywhere here," Y/n said and walked out of the room. 

"Now Peter, what were you saying?" Stella asked turning to him. 

"Um... I forgot," Peter lied. "I'll tell you when I remember it though," 

"Or when I have the courage to,"  he thought. 


"AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Y/n, Peter, and Stella yelled. They were in Y/n's room about to watch a horror movie when they saw something scarier than any horror movie ever. 

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