Y5 Chapter 10

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3rd Pov

It was the middle of the night and Y/n couldn't fall asleep, it was her nightmares again no matter what she did the nightmares didn't stop. Because of this she didn't sleep and would sleep in classes and not pay attention, and her day would also be horrible, and then she would have a nightmare because of the stress and anxiety of that day. It was all a repeating cycle. 

After staring at the ceiling for a long time Y/n decided to get out of bed and go to Harry's dorm. During the summer when she would cuddle with Harry she would barely have nightmares and she was comfortable. Y/n crept out of her bed and slowly walked out of the dorm making sure not to wake up the others. 

She walked to the boy's dormitory and knocked on the door. Then she had a thought. 'What if Harry is annoyed by me?' 'What if I am being too clingy?' As she was about to turn back and leave when the door swung open. 

"Y/n?" A groggy voice came. Y/n turned around to see Harry standing at the door, his hair was a mess and he was wearing his glasses lopsided. "What happened?" he yawned. 

"I am sorry I didn't mean to wake you up," Y/n whispered. 

"You didn't wake me up, what happened?" 

"I had a nightmare," Y/n said. "And you know I read an article that says cuddling with someone while sleeping helps with nightmares," 

Harry smiled. "You could have just said you wanted to cuddle instead of making up the whole article thing. Come in," He moved away from the door so Y/n could go inside. 

 Y/n crawled into Harry's bed while he put his glasses away. Harry laid next to her pulling Y/n closer to him. Y/n's head on his chest and her wrapped around him, their legs tangled under the blanket. 

"You're like a giant teddy bear," Y/n whispered in his chest. 

"Is that a good thing?" Harry asked. 


"Can you tell me a story?" He asked after a few minutes of silence. "Maybe one of our parents," Y/n looked up at him and thought of a story. 

"There are so many, I can't even pick one," She said. "Oh, I know!" Y/n exclaimed. "This one is about how the Marauders met the older order members," 

"Older order members like Mr. and Mrs. Weasley?" Harry asked.

"Yes, it was actually, James, Sirius, and Lily meeting Mr. Weasley, Caradoc Dearborn, and Sturgis Podmore," Y/n said. "It was May 6th, 1979," 

James, Sirius, and Remus were on a mission to one of the Death Eaters' secret headquarters. They were looking for something that could help them kill Voldemort once and for all. 

They were looking around when suddenly Lily stopped. 

"What happened Lils?" Sirius asked. 

"I think someone's coming. I can hear footsteps," Lily said giving them a worried look. As soon as he said that someone came from behind and fired a spell. They dodged that, and the people came into view. 

Spells were fired back and forth during the commotion, Sirius' wand fell giving one of the people from the other side to get a hold of him. He had red hair and was holding Sirius his wand pointed at Sirius'  head.

"Everyone calm down, chill the eff out," The man holding Sirius yelled. 

Everyone stopped fighting, with the redhead were two other men, one who had blonde hair and green eyes and the other had long brown hair with brown eyes. The blonde was kicked to the ground under James. 

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