Y5 Chapter 11

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3rd Pov

Y/n had hoped that she would be the first to be questioned by Umbridge so she could manipulate Umbridge into thinking that no students were suspected at all but that's not what happened. In fact, the exact opposite happened, Y/n was the last person to be called. 

"Miss Lupin you can come in now," Umbridge's voice called. Hermione, Peter, Stella, Harry, and Ron who had already gone and were waiting for Y/n, all gave her a thumbs up. 

Y/n walked into Umbridge's office taking a deep breath. "It'll be fine," She thought and sat down on the chair in Umbridge's office. 

"Would you like some tea?" Umbridge asked smiling sweetly. 

"No, but do you think you could get me a quad long shot grande in a venti cup half calf double cupped no sleeve salted caramel mocha latte with 2 pumps of vanilla substitute 2 pumps of white chocolate mocha for mocha and substitute 2 pumps of hazelnut for toffee nut half whole milk and half breve with no whipped cream extra hot extra foam extra caramel drizzle extra salt add a scoop of vanilla bean powder with light ice well stirred," Y/n asked returning the smile. Umbridge was taken aback clearly she hadn't heard this before. 

"I-uh..uh," Umbridge stuttered trying to find the right words. 

"I am going to take your stuttering as a no," Y/n said slightly pouting. "So now why have you called me here?" 

"Before we start the questioning I insist you drink tea, you must be parched after saying all of that," 

"Oh no I can talk non-stop for hours without needing to drink water, it's like a special talent you know? I actually have a lot of talents, I can solve a Rubik's cube in about 4 minutes which is not the fastest but it's pretty fast compared to other people. Also once I read an entire book in the span of 5 hours and it had 500 pages, that's impressive if I do say so myself-" 

"OK!" Umbridge yelled. Y/n stopped taking and tried not to smile. "I have called you here because you have been suspected of being in illicit activities," 

"I don't know about these activities you are talking about," Y/n said. 

"Are you sure?" Umbridge asked, Y/n nodded. "How about you drink the tea?" 

"Professor I told you unless you have a quad long shot grande in a venti cup half calf double cupped no sleeve salted caramel-" 

"Please I don't need to hear it again," Umbridge said. "Back to the topic, you are sure you haven't participated in any activities recently that could perhaps be breaking the rules?"

"Professor I don't have enough time from my homework to do other things, you do realize the fifth-years have their O.W.Ls and I am busy studying for that. Honestly, you teachers give us a lot of work like people are here crying every night because of the workload. Maybe you should hold a staff meeting and tell the teachers to lower the workload, I am sure they have to listen to you because you are the High Inquisitor," 

"Miss. Lupin you are excused!" Umbridge exclaimed rubbing the bridge of her nose in frustration. 

"Thank you, it was a lovely talk," Y/n smiled and left the room. 

She walked down from Umbridge's office and out of her classroom to find the band waiting for her. 

"You're back," Hermione said. "How did she let you go so early?" 

"I annoyed the shit out of her," Y/n laughed. 

"Can't see how that's hard, just being in your presence is annoying" Stella said which earned her a smack in the head by Y/n. "Owwie," she rubbed the back of her head. "I hate you," 

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