Y7 Chapter 7

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3rd Pov

No it couldn't be. 

Y/n was in disbelief after hearing Ron's voice. How was is here? And what was happening to Hermione? Y/n saw Luna leave her place and go out but she couldn't hear whatever they were talking about. 

"Ollivander's here too and Y/n," Luna said. At the mention of her name Y/n's head shot up and she got up. 

There stood Ron and Harry in front of her, merely a few meters away. They both looked different, Harry's face was a bit swollen and beaten up and Ron looked like he had aged 10 years. 

"Y/n," Harry said bitterly. 

"Hi," Y/n said smiling sadly. 

Harry was about to say something but it was cut off by Hermione's screams coming from above  the cellar. Y/n and him shared a look they both knew no wasn't the time for greetings. 

"We have to do something," 

"There's no way out of here, we have tried everything. It's enchanted," Ollivander said. 

Harry knelt down and removed a shard of glass from his sock. 

"That is a curious thing to keep in your sock," Luna commented. 

Harry removed the shard and whispered something inaudible to it. Just then sounds of footsteps came down, Ron took out his Deluminator and turned off the light he had just turned off. The cellar door opened and Ron walked up to it, demanding Peter Pettigrew to let Hermione go. 

"Shut up, get back," Pettigrew said. "You, goblin, come with me," 

Griphook looked around for a moment before following Pettigrew out of the cellar. As soon as they left Ron lit up the lamp again using the Deluminator at the same exact time a small elf apparated. 

"Dobby?" Harry questioned. "What are you doing here?"

"Dobby's come to rescue Harry Potter of course," Dobby said happily. "Dobby will always be there for Harry Potter," 

"Are you saying you can apparate in and out of this room?" Harry asked. "Could you take us with you?" 

"Of course, sir, I an elf," Dobby said matter of factly. 

Harry looked over at Ron. 

"Works for me," Ron shrugged. 

He then looked to Y/n. "Come with us," 

"I would be of no help, my wand is taken, I can't do anything else-" 

"Come with us," Harry repeated with pleading eyes. Y/n didn't say anything but Harry knew it was a yes. 

"Dobby I want you to take Luna and Mr. Ollivander to-" 

"Shell Cottage on the outskirts of Tinworth," Ron cut in. "Trust me," he said looking at Harry. 

"Whenever you are ready, sir," Luna told Dobby. 

"Sir?" Dobby repeated in shock. "I like her very much," 

He held onto Luna and Ollivander's hands. "Meet me at the top of the stairs in ten seconds," 

As soon as Dobby left footsteps were heard coming down the stairs. Ron, Y/n, and Harry, hid against the walls next to the gate. When Pettigrew opened the door, he fell down and his wand fell up from his pocket to the top of the staircase. 

Harry, Ron, and Y/n, looked at the unconscious body and then up at the staircase, there at the top was Dobby holding Pettigrew's wand. 

"Who gets his wand?" the elf asked. 

Y/n ended up taking the wand, since she was the only one without one. The four of them slowly walked up making sure not to be noticed. When the reached the top of the stairs, they saw Bellatrix interrogating Griphook, when they looked a little closer they noticed that Hermione was laying on the ground. Ron was about to get up and get her but Harry held him back. 

"There is no place safer than Gringotts," Griphook said. 

"Liar!" Bellatrix yelled making a cut on Griphook's face with her dagger. "Consider yourself lucky, goblin," She got up and walked over to where Hermione was laying. 

"The same won't be said for this one," 

"Like hell," Ron whispered and ran towards Bellatrix. "Expelliarmus!" 

Harry and Y/n followed Ron and the three of them started fighting with Lucius and Narcissa, but Bellatrix had held Hermione with her dagger on her neck. 

"Stop!" Bellatrix yelled. The others looked up to see Hermione in her clutches. "Drop your wands. I said drop them!" 

Hesitantly they dropped their wands. 

"Pick them up, Draco," Bellatrix ordered. "Well, well, well, look at what we have here. It's Harry Potter. He's all bright and shiny and new again, just in time for the Dark Lord. Call him," 

No one moved. "Call him," Bellatrix repeated. Lucius raised his arm and moved his sleeve to show the dark mark. 

He was about to call him when a squeaking distracted all of them. They looked up to see Dobby sitting on top of the chandelier that was above Hermione and Bellatrix. The chandelier swayed lightly and then all of a sudden it came crashing down. With a quick move Bellatrix let go of Hermione to get away from the falling chandelier. Ron held onto Hermione as the chandelier fell down, while Harry grabbed the wands from Draco. 

Lucius walked forward and was about to summon Voldemort but Harry was faster, he raised his wand and yelled. 

"Stupefy!" Lucius went flying back. 

"Stupid elf!" Bellatrix yelled. "You could have killed me!" 

"Dobby never meant to kill, Dobby only meant to maim or seriously injure," Dobby squeaked. 

Narcissa raised her wand but Dobby took it away with a snap. 

"How dare you take a witch's wand!" Bellatrix yelled. "How dare you defy your masters!" 

Dobby looked at her with a stern expression. "Dobby has no master. Dobby is a free elf and Dobby has come to save Harry Potter and his friends," 

Bellatrix threw her dagger at Dobby just as he teleported everyone away. She couldn't see if it hit Dobby or not but she had hoped it did. 


A/n: New chapter! This is much shorter than the last one bc I want to start a fresh new chapter when starting with the final bit of the story and this just a little filler chapter until I can start writing again in march

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