Y4 Chapter 3

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3rd POV

When Y/n knocked on the door of the Lupin Cottage, she was engulfed in a hug by Sirius. "Oh my god, Lizzie sent us the letter saying there was a death eater attack, are you ok? Did you get hurt?" he asked checking her arms and face for any injuries. 

"Dad, I am fine can I come in now?" Y/n said. She walked in and was pulled into a bone-crushing hug by Stella, it wasn't even a hug it was like Stella was trying to suffocate her. "I- I can't breath," Y/n said and Stella let go of her. 

"Were you trying to kill me?" Y/n asked. 

"I barely touched you," Stella said rolling her eyes. "So what happened?" she asked. 

"I'll tell you but where's dad?" Y/n asked. 

"I am right here," Sirius said waving. 

"I am talking about the one who has an obsession with chocolate," Y/n said smiling. 

"Oh he is resting, it's the full moon tonight," Sirius explained. "Now tell us what happened," 

"Hey," They heard Remus say in a tried voice coming out of his bedroom. "I wanted soup," when he noticed that Y/n was there. "Oh my god, Y/n are you ok?" he said rushing to her and hugging her. 

"Dad I am fine, honestly you guys worry too much," Y/n said. "Now do you want to know what happened?" she asked and the three of them nodded. Y/n explained to Stella, Sirius, and Remus everything that happened. 

"How could the Ministry let this happen?" Remus yelled from the kitchen, he was making himself soup while Y/n told them what happened. 

"Amos thought that you and your friends casted the spell?" Sirius said at the same time. They all were fuming and bombarding her with questions. 

"The answer to all of those questions is yes," Y/n said. "And you guys should calm down I didn't die, neither did anyone else,"

"Were the muggles ok?" Stella asked. 

"The minister will help them," Y/n said even though she wasn't that sure if the Ministry would shit for the muggles. 

"They will probably only help them to make themselves look perfect," Sirius said. 

"Uncle Pads we get it, you don't like the Ministry but how bad could they be?" Stella asked. 

"Very bad," Remus said in between a spoonful of soup. 

"Now that you all know the story can I go take shower, I feel filthy," Y/n said getting up from the couch. 


"You guys are really going to enjoy this year at Hogwarts," Elizabeth said over dinner one day. 

"I doubt it, I die almost every year," Y/n said. 

"Maybe if they changed the headmaster to McGonagall you wouldn't die," Stella said. 

"Yeah Dumbledore is so old he is like a 100 something," Y/n said. 

"Dumbledore is a great headmaster," Sirius said. 

"Then why didn't he help you with your abusive family?" Y/n asked. 

"And why did he hire Snape to be a teacher, that man is literally a 13-year-olds boggart, and that kid had faced so much worse in life still a TEACHER is his boggart, AND Dumbledore lets Snape stay," Stella said. 

"Dumbledore has his reasons for keeping Severus," Remus said. 

"Yeah, but the thing about knowing about my family and not doing anything about it, he just let me suffer," Sirius said in a contemplative tone. 

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