The Spies

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A/n: Couldn't think of anything else for the title so it's this. 

3rd Pov

It was a typical summer afternoon in New York people everywhere trying to get to wherever they need to be, one of these people was Peter Parker. A fourteen-year-old boy who was pretty normal except he was bitten by a radioactive spider giving him spider powers and he was also very close friends with the one and only Iron Man or as many people know him as Tony Stark, genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. 

Right now Peter was going to the Stark tower or now known as the avengers' tower, home to the mightiest heroes on earth, though nobody really stayed there unless it was for a mission or meetings. The reason Peter was headed there was that he was called in by Tony for something very important. 

He got to the tower and opened the door but it wasn't opening instead he heard a voice of Tony's A.I. say. "Voice activation required,"

"Ummm.... Peter," Peter said. 

"Access denied," The A.I said. 

"Uh.. ok, Peter Parker," Peter tried. 

"Access denied," The A.I said again.

"Spider-man," Peter said in a whisper so no one outside hears him. 

"Access denied," The A.I said. 

"Spider-man," Peter said a bit louder this time. 

"Access denied," The A.I said again. 

Peter groaned. "Damn you Mr, Stark, Underoos," he said and the door opened. 

"Welcome Underoos," The A.I said. 

Peter went inside. "Mr. Stark?" He called. "Are you there?"

"Peter good you're here," Tony said. "We have a mission for you," he said walking closer to Peter. 

"Uh, we?" Peter asked seeing there was only Tony there and nobody else. 

"Oh yes, you know the wizard Doctor Strange, he is coming in a bit and is going to tell you about the mission," Tony said and Peter nodded. 

A few seconds later Doctor Strange walked in through a portal. "Stark," he said looking at Tony. 

"Strange," Tony said.  "Peter is here so you can tell him about the mission now," 

"Right Peter," Strange said now looking at Peter. "We need you to go to Hogwarts," 

Peter's eyes widened and his jaw dropped. "The school where witches and wizards go also where Ms. Maximoff's daughter is?" He asked. 

"Yes we need you to go there," Strange said. 

"But why?" Peter asked. 

"Because Wanda wants you to go there and make sure that Y/n is safe," Strange said.

"But Y/n is Wanda Maximoff's daughter can't she protect herself and she has all the wizards looking after her," Peter asked. "And Dumbledore,"

"She can but Wanda wants someone looking after her who's not a person from the Wizarding community especially Dumbledore, she doesn't really trust him and neither do I," Strange said. 

"So I just need to make sure that Y/n is ok?" Peter asked. 

"Yes and keep us updated on what's going in the Wizarding World," Tony said. 

"Ok, how long will I have to be there?" Peter said. 

"Till Voldemort dies," Strange said. Peter's eyes widened and his jaw dropped he wanted to say no and run back home but what he actually said was. "OK," 

"Am I going to be going alone?" Peter asked. 

"No Natasha is going with you because your both spiders, you know the Black Widow and Spider-Man?" Tony said grinning. 

"If you're done with your horrible jokes would you please go and call Natasha so they can get going," Strange said. 

"Wait but I am not a wizard," Peter said. 

"Stark has designed you a wand that will do whatever you ask it to like levitate things and it has other things that make it almost identical to a real wand," Strange said. 

"What can I not do with it?" Peter asked. 

"You can't kill people," Strange said.

"I don't want to either so that's good," Peter said. 

A few minutes later Tony walked in with Natasha. "Ok, I am here get going with the portal thing Strange," Natasha said. 

Strange made and portal. "You will find everything you need once you get there," he said. 

"What did you guys tell Dumbledore, I mean you can't tell him I am an Avenger," Peter asked. 

"We told him you're a muggle-born exchange student from America," Strange said. 

"What's a muggle-born," Natasha asked.

"It's a person who is a wizard but has non-wizard parents," Strange explained. "Now get going," 

Natasha and Peter walked into the portal leaving the Avengers tower and entering the Wizarding World. 


A/N: Told you guys there would be more Avengers content. 

The next chapter is going to be about Y/n and summer at the Lupin-Black household which is chaotic.

I love you all and hope you're doing well and I'll see you next week. 

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