How They Met

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3rd Pov

Harry, Ron, and Hermione were running, they had just encountered the most dangerous thing ever, a three-headed dog that was in their school. As they were running Harry ran into someone making him and that person fall. 

"I am sorry, we are sorta running for our life," Harry said getting up and fixing his glasses. He looked at the person he had bumped, she was really pretty, he thought.

 "What Harry you just met her. 

That doesn't mean I can't find someone pretty and maybe she will become my friend. 

Keep dreaming."

"I don't care about that have you seen a map anywhere?" The girl said. 

"We didn't see a map but a piece of parchment fell down when you both bumped into each other," Hermione said picking up the piece of paper that was near her foot and handing it to the girl. 

"Wait you're in my dorm, your Y/n right," 

The girl took the paper and clutched it. "Oh thank god," she mumbled. "Yeah, I am, Hermione right?" Hermione nodded. 

"Aren't you being a little dramatic for finding a piece of paper?" Ron said. 

"It's not just a piece of paper!" Y/n exclaimed. "It's a ma-family heirloom," 

"Why were you carrying a family heirloom around?" Hermione asked. "And what were you doing out here so late?" 

"I don't have to tell you," Y/n said. "And I was visiting my cou-friend she's in Slytherin,"

"You're friends with Slytherins?" Ron asked. "No wonder you are so rude," he said under his breath. 

"Hey! Some Slytherins are wonderful," Y/n said. "Have you heard of Andromeda Tonks or Elizabeth Dixon or even Merlin himself, they are Slytherins and they are wonderful," 

"I am sorry about my friend Ron," Harry said. 

"Wait Ron as in Ronald Weasley?" Y/n asked. 

"Yes," Ron said hesatiantly. 

"I am best friends with you're brothers George and Fred," Y/n said excidetly. "I really look up to them," 

The three looked at her like she was speaking another language. 

"You look up to Fred and George?" Ron asked. 

"Yes that's what I just said," Y/n said.

 "Why?" Hermoine asked. 

"Excuse me?" Y/n said a bit taken aback. 

"I mean they aren't the most rule following kids," Ron said. 

"That's why I look up to them, they have so much fun!" Y/n said. "Now if you will excuse me I need to come up with an idea to light a part of the Forbidden forest on fire,"she said in a serious tone. 

Looking at the three Gryffindor's horrified expressions she laughed and said. "I was kidding I am not going to do that," 

All of their faces relaxed. "Well not until the end of my 7th year," she said winking and started to walk away. 

"I do not want to be with her or near her when she does this," Ron whispered to Hermione. 

"It's fine we won't, we aren't even friends," Hermione whispered. 

"Hey!" Harry called Y/n turned around. 


"Would you like to hangout with us sometime?" Harry asked. Hermione and Ron face-palmed. 

"I would love that," Y/n said. "But what's your name?" 

"Oh, it's Harry Potter," Harry said, Y/n looked shocked. 

"Your Harry Potter as in James and Lily's son?" she asked. 

"Yep, that's my parents how did you know?" Harry asked. 

"My parents were best friends with your parents," Y/n said. "We were even best friends when we were one-year-old," 

"Really?" Harry asked. "How come I never met you until right now?" 

"After 1981 my dad secluded himself from everyone," Y/n said looking down. 

"What about your mum?" 

"I don't have one, I had two dads but one of them died the same night as your parents," 

"How can you have two dads?" Ron asked. 

"Someone can have two parents of the same gender," Hermione said

"Hermione's right," Y/n said. "Well, I'll see you guys tomorrow," she waved and left. 

"She seems like a nice girl," Harry said. 

"Yeah, real nice, she wants to light the Forbidden Forest on fire," Ron said. 

"Oh was just joking," Harry said. "I think," 

And after that day Y/n, Harry, Hermione, and Ron became inseparable. 


A/n: I was going to publish this chapter in April but I forgot so I published it months later. 

I hope you guys enjoyed this and love you all bye!

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