Y3 Chapter 10

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A/n: I wrote half of the chapter at 3 so if it isn't the best it's because I was half asleep anyways enjoy.

3rd Pov

Y/n slowly opened her eyes, she looked around and saw that she wasn't near the lake anymore but was in the hospital wing. Y/n looked around and saw Harry laying on the cot across from her and Hermione was talking to him. She tried to sit up but fell back down when she felt excruciating pain in her stomach, she looked down to see her shirt had blood on it and her stomach was wrapped in bandages.

Y/n ignored the pain and got up walking over to Hermione and Harry. "What's going on?" she asked.

"They have captured Sirius and the dementors are going to perform the kiss any minute now," Hermione said.

"We have to do something we have to tell Dumbledore that it wasn't Sirius but Pettigrew," Y/n said.

"Not we, it's just me and Hermione because you're very injured," Harry said getting up. "You need to stay here,"

"It's my father, Harry," Y/n said sternly. "Besides, it's just a little scratch," she shrugged.

"It's not just a scratch you bled a lot," Hermione said.

"Like I haven't experienced blood before," Y/n mumbled. They heard the door open and saw Dumbledore walked in.

"Professor, you have to help Sirius it wasn't him," Harry said.

"Yeah, it was my rat Scabbers well he was Percy's rat before but now he is a man," Ron said from the cot he was lying in.

"You have to believe us, Professor," Hermione said.

"I do Miss Granger but I don't think the Minister will believe the word of four kids," Dumbledore said. "If only we had more time,"

"Had more time?" Y/n asked.

"Miss Granger you know the rules. Three turns should do it," Dumbledore said and walked away. "And also bring back Miss Black and Peter Pettigrew with you," he said before leaving the room.

"Hermione, what rules was he talking about?" Harry asked. "And three turns?"

Hermione quickly got out a necklace from underneath her shirt and wrapped it around herself and Harry.

"Do you dare leave me," Y/n said and Hermione wrapped the necklace around Y/n too.

"Sorry Ron, but seeing you can't walk we have to leave you," Hermione said and spun the hourglass three times. Everything around them started to change and Ron disappeared.

"Where did Ron go? Hermione, would you tell me what's going on?" Harry asked but Hermione ignored him.

"Where were we at four?" Hermione asked.

"Going to Hagrid's I think," Y/n said and they quickly walked to Hagrid's Hut.

They were in an empty corridor watching the interaction between their past selves and Malfoy. "Good punch," Y/n said as the past version of Hermione punched Malfoy.

"Thanks," Hermione smiled.

"Will you both tell me what's going on?" Harry asked. They saw Malfoy and his friends coming their way so Hermione pushed Harry and Y/n against the wall which for some reason caused Y/n butterflies.

"This is a time turner and we have gone back in time," Hermione said.

"To save Sirius?" Harry asked.

"And Buckbeak," Y/n said.

"How would we save Buckbeak?" Harry asked.

"We just have to go through the back," Y/n said pointing to the pumpkin patch. "And get Buckbeak before they kill him,"

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