Y5 Chapter 3

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3rd Pov

The next morning when Harry woke up he noticed that Y/n wasn't next to him, panicked he sat up and saw that Y/n was sitting on the edge of the bed reading a book. Harry let out a relieved sigh, Y/n realized that Harry was up and looked up from her book. 

"I see you are up," Y/n said. "How did you sleep?" 

"It was probably the best sleep I have had in a long time," Harry said in a sleepy voice rubbing his eyes. 

"That's good," Y/n said and went back to reading her book. 

"What are you reading?" Harry asked moving to sit next to her. 

"It's the book of the damned," Y/n said not looking up from the book. 

"Why would you read a book with that name?" Harry asked. 

"Because it's about someone with my exact powers and how that person learned to control it," Y/n explained. 

"This isn't even in English," Harry said looking at the book. "It's like some ancient language," 

"Its Latin," 

"Didn't know you could read Latin,"

"I didn't either but once I picked up this book I could read it perfectly except for these two words that I just can't understand what they mean," Y/n explained. 

"Maybe don't read the book," Harry said. 

"Why? It's just a book," Y/n said. 

"And the title is the book of the damned! And once you picked it you suddenly know how to read Latin. This is the plot of a fucking horror movie,"

"It's not like the book is going to kill me," Y/n said with a small laugh

"I am not joking, I don't want you reading some damned book," Harry said. 


"No." Harry said sternly. 

"Fine," Y/n said rolling her eyes. She was definitely going to that book. 

After a few seconds of silence, Harry asked "You are going to read the book aren't you?" 

"If I tell you the truth you will take the book away from me," Y/n said. 

Harry got up and snatched the book from her. "Hey!" Y/n exclaimed standing up. "Give me my book back!" 

"No, I am not giving it to you," Harry said. 

"Well then what are you going to?" Y/n asked folding her arms. 

"Hide it somewhere," Harry said. 

"No you won't," Y/n said trying to take the book back from him but he was taller than her and was standing on his tiptoes, the book above his head, so she couldn't get it. (A/n: He is tall bc I am going by the book height) 

"I am sorry about this love," Y/n said. She put her hand in front and a red light shot out of her hand and hit Harry making him stuck to the wall. 

"Aw... fuck you Y/n," Harry grumbled and Y/n walked towards him and took the book from him. 

"You wish you could Potter," Y/n said winking which made Harry fluster alot. "Now I am going to put this book away and get ready,"

"What about me am I just supposed to be here like this?" Harry asked. 

"I will think about it," Y/n said leaving him there stuck. 

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