Y5 Chapter 7

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3rd Pov

The next few weeks were miserable, the fifth years were having more work than normal to get ready for their O.W.Ls and the one class Defense Against the Dark Arts that was fun before was the worst now. 

Umbridge had been making them read books for the entire time and if someone wouldn't do that, they would get detention, so far Harry, Ernie Macmillan, and the mysterious Ravenclaw girl that Y/n saw that the beginning of the year feast, had gotten detentions. 

"For your homework I want you all to read chapter 25 and summarize what the author is telling us about using offensives spells," Umbridge said as they bell rang. All the kids rushed out for lunch barely hearing what she was saying. 

"Finally we are out of that hell hole," Ron said. 

"I miss when I actually liked that class," Y/n said. 

"The best year was third year," Harry said. 

"You know I don't remember much from the other years, like I remember the first time I met you but I don't remember anything I did the year or before that," Y/n said. 

"What do you mean?" Hermione asked. 

"It feels like I was just dropped into third year out of nowhere," Y/n explained. 

"Are you feeling ok?" Stella asked. "You have been acting weird since summer break," 

"Yeah every since you found that book," Hermione said eyeing Y/n suspiciously. 

"Are you saying that all of these things are because of that book?" Y/n laughed. 

"She's not wrong," Harry chimed in. "Ever since you got a hold of that book you are losing control of your powers," 

"I also saw you floating above your bed and reading the book while all you were surrounded by red wisps," Peter said. 

"What?" Y/n asked. "I don't remember that," 

"Exactly you are doing things and you don't even remember them!" Hermione exclaimed. 

"What if that book is something like Tom Riddle's diary that possessed Ginny," Ron said. 

The band entered the Great Hall, which was already filled with students talking and laughing. 

"Why do you all think that book is something bad?" Y/n sighed. "If anything the book has helped him learn about my powers," 

"Y/n we are just looking out for you," Stella said. 

"I know but it's not like I am going to read the book and because of that loss control of my powers and explode everyone and everything," Y/n laughed sitting down in the Gryffindor table. The others weren't laughing. "What? It's supposed to be funny, you are supposed to be laughing," 

"How is you exploding the world funny?" Harry said, sitting next to her. Hermione sat on the other side of Y/n, across them were Peter, Stella, and Ron. 

"Ok... it may not be funny, but it would be a badass way to die though," Y/n said. "I have it all planned out, I am saving the world and to save it I need to unleash all of my powers and in the process I die because it's just so much energy rushing through me," 

They all looked at her with wide eyed, concerned looks. 

"You know what always would be cool," Peter said. "Like dusting away while singing Another One Bites To Dust," 

"Yes," Y/n laughed pointing to him. 

"You guys need therapy," A Ravenclaw girl, who was walking by their table said. It was the same mystery girl. 

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