Y4 Chapter 11

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"Harry you really need to figure out that egg," Hermione said. She and Harry were on the bridge gossiping. 

"I know and I will," Harry said. "Has Viktor figured it out yet?" 

"I don't know, we don't talk much," Hermione said. 

"Oh," Harry said with a smirk. 

"I meant he isn't particularly loquacious," Hermione said laughing. "But in all seriousness, you really need to figure it, the second task is in a few weeks," 

"Where's Y/n and Ron?" Harry asked. 

"Ron is with Fred and George and Y/n I have no clue where she is," Hermione said. "But what do they have to do with this?" 

"Nothing, they just protect me from all your questioning," Harry said. "Do this, figure out the egg, finish your homework on time," he said in a high-pitched voice. 

"I don't talk like that," Hermione said nudging him. 

"Debateable," Harry shrugged. 

"Potter," Someone called Harry and Hermione turned around to see Cedric Diggory. 

Harry walked toward him. "Cedric," he said. 

"You know the prefect's bathroom on the fifth floor, it's not a bad place for a bath just take your egg with you and mull things over," Cedric said. "Oh and the password is pine fresh," and then he walked away. 

"Mull things over," Harry said to himself. 


"What if he is just messing with me?" Harry asked. He was sitting in the common room with Ron, Hermione, and Y/n. 

"Why would he be messing with you?" Y/n asked. 

"I don't so I would get thrown off and mess up and he could win," Harry said. 

 "Cedric wouldn't do that," Hermione said. "I think he was just trying to help you because you helped him with the dragons," 

"There is a chance he was trying to trick me," Harry said. 

"Or your just an overthinker and you always think the worst," Ron said. 

"I am not an overthinker," Harry said. 

"You made up an entire story about how I don't like you and I am with Fleur," Y/n said. 

"I had a lot of proof," Harry said trying to defend himself. "I heard you talking to Cormac," 

"Here we go again," Y/n said rolling her eyes. "Harry if you don't want to go and take a bath then I will do it," 

"Go ahead try it and when it doesn't work, don't say I said so," Harry said. 

"Fine if it works you give me ten galleons," Y/n said crossing her arms. 

"And if it doesn't work you give me ten," Harry said. 

"Deal," Y/n said. "Now if you will excuse me I am going to figure out my egg," she walked to her dorm getting the egg and then walked out of the dorm. 

"Harry you better get out the ten galleons," Ron said. 

"It can't possibly work," Harry said. 

"It's Y/n we are talking about here, if it doesn't work, she will make it work," Hermione said. 


"Hopefully this works," Y/n said to herself. She had reached the prefects' bathroom and said the password. "Pine fresh," the door opened. "Yes!" she said to herself. 

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