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Y/n's Pov

"Y/n, I am proud to say you are official an Avenger," Tony said with a smile. 

It had been five years since the war, and five years since I had been living in New York in the Avenger's Tower training to become an Avenger. Even though I had gotten a hold of my powers it was always nice to have some extra help besides I also learnt various forms of fighting techniques from all of the Avengers. 

It was wonderful to be with the Avengers it was like one big family but I missed home, I missed my friends, it had been a year since I saw them and even though we would send each other letters back and forth all the time it wasn't the same as being with them. 

"This means that you can go back to England and if we ever need you we'll call you," 

"Oh, thank you so much Tony!" I smile and rush to my room. 

"You seem happy," My mum. Wanda said passing me in the hallway. 

"Tony said I can finally an Avenger and I can go back home," I said happily. 



"Right," She had a smile on her face but I could hear the sadness in her eyes. I had been so excited by the news I completely forgot how my parents would take it. "I didn't realize you'd be going so soon," She laughed. 

"Well, I'll come back and visit all the time," I said. "I could never miss Tony's New Year's parties," 

"I am sure Tony would drag you here if you even thought of missing it," 

We talked a little longer after which I went to back. When I was done, the others had also arrived at the Tower to say goodbye. It was hard to say goodbye to them after five years together but my excitement to see my friends overpowered the sadness. 

~~19 Years Later~~

3rd Pov

"Here they come,"  Ron said. 

Y/n and Harry walked through the crowded lanes of Platform 9 3/4, along with their son. Theodore Atlas Potter. Theodore stopped in the middle of tracks to tie his shoelaces, Y/n motioned for Harry to go talk to him while she went ahead and talked to Ron, Hermione, Stella, and Peter. 

"You ok?" Harry asked kneeling beside Theodore. 

"Dad what if I fail?" Theodore asked. "I mean what if I am not able to live up to your and mum's legacy? I mean you defeated Voldemort when you were a baby and mum can destroy the whole world if she merely thinks about it? What if I just grow up to be a nobody," 

"Theodore, you do not have to live up anybody," Harry said. "Just because we did things doesn't mean we expect that from you. If anything we would wish you are as away from these types of things as possible," 

"So you and mum will be ok if I am just a nobody wizard?" 

"No one is a nobody, everybody is important. Besides it's only your first year, you've got a long way to go," 

"What are we talking about?" Y/n asked coming up to Harry and Theodore. 

"Just some mates talking," Harry said standing up. "You wouldn't get it," 

"Ah," Y/n nodded. "Well I am sorry to disturb your mate talk but the train is about to start," 

Theodore hugged Y/n and Harry and walked into the train, along with Rose Granger-Weasley, and Alexander Black-Parker. Y/n wanted to keep her maiden last name as well but she was too confused on which one to keep since she technically had three, so she ended up just keeping Potter. 

The three couples watched as their kids boarded the trains and waved to them, until the train let their view. It seemed just yesterday that they were boarding the trains for the first time and now they were bidding their kids goodbye. 


The End

A/n: I can't believe that this is the end, this book holds so many memories and I have been writing it for so long. I basically grew up with the characters because I started when I was 13 and I am ending it when I am 16. It's been a long three years and I am so happy for the people who have read it and will continue to read it and like this story, you all don't know how grateful I am for you people. 

I love each and every single one of you and I am so sad to end this fanfic but like all good things it has to come to and end. 

Love you all and see you in my next story ;) 

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