Y3 Chapter 6

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A/N: Nobody cares but I am going to be watching the Black Widow movie tomorrow and I am so excited but also sad because I won't get to see Natasha on screen anymore. 

Anyways on the with the story

3rd POV

For the next couple of days, many people visited Harry and sent him gifts, Ron and Hermione only left during the night and sometimes even Stella would check up on him but leave after 5 minutes. The person that Harry wanted to see the most hadn't even come in for a minute. 

It was about 1 am and Harry was lying in his cot trying to fall asleep when felt something hit his head. "Who's there?" he asked getting up. 

"Shut up," He heard someone say. It was Y/n and she was most likely under the invisibility cloak. 

"Y/n, get out of the cloak I can't see you," Harry said and then he saw her standing there smiling, her eyes shining in the moonlight and the invisibility cloak in her hands. 

"Hi," Y/n said. "I am sorry I didn't come to visit you, I was mad that you yelled at me," she said looking down. 

"No, I should be the one saying sorry," Harry said lifting her chin up. "I was just so worried about you and I don't know what got into me," 

"So do you forgive me?" Y/n asked hopefully. 

"I don't have to, you never did anything wrong," Harry said and held up his arms. "Hug?" he said and Y/n ran into his arms. 

Y/n and Harry were talking until Y/n started to slowly close her eyes. "Hey, are you sleepy?" Harry asked. 

"Wha-No, keep talking," Y/n said opening her eyes and sitting straighter. 

"You can't lie to me," Harry said. "Here," he moved a little to the side so Y/n could also have space to sleep. 

"Are you sure that's enough space for the both of us," Y/n asked. 

"Well we just have to sleep closer," Harry said with a smirk making Y/n blush. "Come on," he said again and Y/n finally gave in and layed down next to Harry cuddling close to him so she doesn't fall off. Harry continued talking but Y/n fell asleep almost immediately. 

At around 5 am Madam Pomfrey came to check in on Harry only to find someone else sleeping with him, when she took a closer look and saw Y/n who was cuddled close to Harry both of them sleeping peacefully. All she could think at the moment was the many times she had seen Sirius Black sleeping with Remus Lupin after the full moon.

Madam Pomfrey slowly shook Y/n to wake her up. Y/n opened her eyes and saw Madam Pomfrey. "I am sorry Madam Pomfrey, I was just worried about Harry and then I was tried so-," Y/n explained but was cut off.

"No need to explain Miss. Lupin, I know you were worried about him, just go to your common room before the others wake up," Madam Pomfrey said. Y/n nodded and tried to get up but felt a pair of strong arms holding her waist, she finally got out of Harry's grip and went to the common room.


Later in the day, Harry was taking a walk with Professor Lupin around the black lake. "I am sorry about your broom Harry. There's no chance of fixing it?" Lupin asked, Harry, shook his head. 

"Why do they affect me so much, Professor, I mean more than anyone else?" Harry asked turning to Professor Lupin. 

"Listen, Harry, Dementors are among the foulest creatures to walk this earth. They feed on every good feeling, every happy memory until a person is left with nothing but his worst experiences but that doesn't mean that your weak Harry. The Dementors affect you the most because there are true horrors in your past. Horrors you classmates can scarcely imangine. You have nothing to be ashamed of,"

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