Y3 Chapter 3

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3rd POV

The four Gryffindors were talking and eating in the great hall when Draco showed up his arm in bandages. Pansy immediately got up from the Slytherin table and ran to him. "Does it hurt terribly Draco?" she asked 

"It comes and goes, still I consider myself lucky," He said like he was some war hero "If it wasn't for Madame Pomfrey I could have lost my arm,"

"There are 170,000 words in English but not one word can describe my urge to hit this pale ferret," Y/n said smirking everyone around her laughed. 

"You don't know what he is going through, Draco is in so much pain," Pansy said.

"No wonder he is in pain, he is always with you," Y/n heard a voice it was Stella, she had gotten up from her seat and was now walking towards where Y/n was sitting. 

"Why are you taking her side Black," Pansy asked.

"Because I don't like you," Stella said. "Also you make fun of others when you look like a pug-faced bitch," 

"I don't care what you think, at least Draco doesn't think that," Pansy said turning to Draco but he just rolled his eyes. 

"I mean........" Draco started

"He is obviously feeling delusional because that Hippogriff hurt him," Pansy said before he could finish. Stella and Y/n shared confused looks that said 'What did she say?'

"I don't think if your arm got scratched it would affect your brain," Hermione said.

"You wouldn't know anything you mudblo-" Before Pansy could finish her sentence Y/n got out her wand and put it right under her chin. 

"Call her that one more time I dare you," Y/n said in a threateningly low voice, her eyes flashing red. Everyone around her was at a loss for words. Pansy whimpered and slowly walked away. 

"That was brilliant!" Harry said chuckling. "And hot," he mumbled under his breath as they sat back down to continue their meal. 

"He's been sighted!" Seamus yelled from the other end of the table. 

Seamus slid the paper where Harry was sitting "Who?" Ron asked. Y/n peeked over Harry's shoulder to see a picture of Sirius Black. 

"Dufftown? That's not far from here....." Hermione uttered as she read the paper. 

"You don't think he would come to Hogwarts do you?" Neville asked worriedly. "With the dementors at every entrance?" 

"Dementors he has already slipped past them once who says he can't do it again?" Lavender said. I looked at Harry he started at the paper blankly. 


Y/n, Harry, and Ron were in their Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom standing in front of a big wardrobe that was shaking violently. 

"Intriguing yes? Would anyone like to take a guess to what's inside?" Professor asked. 

"That's a boggart sir," Dean said and Professor Lupin nodded. 

"Very good Mr. Thomas. Can anyone tell me what a boggart looks like?" 

Y/n opened her mouth to speak but before she could she heard Hermione which made her jump. "No one knows," Hermione said 

"When did she get here?" Ron mouthed to Harry and Y/n but they both shrugged. Y/n was definitely going to ask Hermione what was happening this was the second time she appeared out of thin air.

"Boggarts are shape-shifter. They take shape of whatever the person fears the most which makes them so-" Hermione continued. 

"So terrifying yes, Luckily there is a very simple charm that exists to repel a Boggart. Let's practice it, shall we? Without wands, please........... Ridikulus,"

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