Y4 Chapter 7

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3rd Pov

The next morning Y/n woke up feeling weird, she looked around at her dorm, the red curtains around her bed, the maroon sheets, and the white pillows. This was what she saw every day when she woke up but today it felt different, she felt out of place today like she didn't belong here but somewhere else. Y/n spent the first thirty minutes trying to understand what she feeling and why, after that, she got up out of her bed to get ready to go to classes. 

When Y/n got up she didn't see anyone in their beds which was weird because no one gets up so early. She looked at the time on the clock that was next to her, it was 9 o'clock which meant that classes had started and she was late. 

"Fuck," Y/n said to herself and rushed to the bathroom to get ready.  She brushed her teeth and lightly brushed her hair quickly wore her uniform and ran to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom which was her first class. 

She ran through the halls and reached the classroom. "Sorry I am late," Y/n said panting in front of the open classroom. 

"It's ok Miss. Lupin come in, we were just about to begin," Moody said. Y/n walked in and sat next to Parvati Patil. 

"So what are we doing today?" she asked Parvati. 

"Moody is going to be performing the Imperius curse on some of us," Parvati said. Y/n looked at her as though she had just said a sick joke. 

"You are joking right?" Y/n asked chuckling but Parvati looked at her with a deadpan expression. "Merlin we are actually doing that," Parvati nodded. "Brilliant," Y/n mumbled and put her head on the desk. 

"Miss. Lupin!" Moody said and Y/n head shot up. 

"Yes," she said looking at him. 

"Come up here you are going to go against the curse first," Moody said. 

"I'll pass," Y/n said putting her head back down. 

"You can't do that," Moody said. 

"I just did," Y/n said not looking up. 

"You just earned yourself a detention," Moody said and Y/n gave him a thumbs up, which made the entire class laugh. "And you will still have to against the curse after......" Moody looked around to roo. "Parker come up here, you'll go first," 

Peter slowly got up from his seat next to Stella and walked to the front of the classroom. He sat down on the stool that was in the middle. "Imperio!" Moody said pointing his wand at Peter. 

Peter's eyes were shut and he tried his hardest not to move his body and he eventually beat it. He opened his eyes. "Did I do it?" he asked. 

"Good job Parker, you almost beat it," Moody exclaimed. 

After Peter, a few others went who weren't able to beat the curse and had to dance on tables or do cartwheels across the classroom. 

"Potter you next," Moody said. Harry got up and sat on the stool. "Imperio!" 

Harry felt relaxed and like he was floating, then he heard a voice in his head say. "Jump on the table," 

He was about to do it when another voice said. "Why?" 


"Why should I do it it's stupid I am not going to do it," 

"I said do it!" 

"No, I don't think I will," 

"Good job Harry, you and Peter are the only people in the class who beat the curse," Moody said. "Lupin it's your turn now," 

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