Y5 Chapter 8

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A/n: Finally she decides to update. Sorry for the wait I had a lot going on but here is the new chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment. 

3rd Pov

It was early in the morning and Y/n had been taking a walk in the Forbidden Forest, something she had been doing this year to clear her mind from the nightmares she had nearly every single night. Today even Luna was there so they decided to spend time together. 

"Thestrals," Y/n said noticing the black creatures that were in front of them. 

Luna took out an apple from her bag and tossed it in their direction. 

"You know thestrals have a really bad reputation they are seen as these bad omens of death but in reality, they are just misunderstood," Luna said. 

"I think they are pretty cool," Y/n said, Luna nodded in agreement. 

There was a crunching noise behind them meaning someone was coming this way, Y/n turned around to see it was only Harry. 

"Hey," Y/n said. He walked up to her and slipped his hand in hers. 

"Hey," He said pecking her lips. He looked up and noticed Luna was also there a few feet in front of them feeding the thestrals. "Hello, Luna," 

The couple walked up to Luna. "Hello, Harry," 

"Aren't your feet cold Luna?" Harry asked. Y/n looked down to see that Luna wasn't wearing any shoes. 

"I didn't even notice that Luna where are your shoes?" Y/n asked. 

"My feet aren't that cold and all my shoes are gone, I think the nargels stole them," Luna responded. 

"What are nargels?" Harry whispered to Y/n. 

"No idea," She whispered back.

"You know I believe you both, I believe that You-know-who is back and that he killed Cedric," Luna said facing them. Y/n smiled a bit. 

"That's good to know," Harry said. "How can no one else see the thestrals?" 

"Only people who have seen death can see thestrals," Y/n explained. 

"Oh. Did you see someone die too?" He asked Luna. 

"I was nine when my mum died," Luna responded. "She was a brilliant witch and liked to experiment a lot one time one of her spells backfired," 

"I am so sorry," Harry said. 

"It's alright," Luna said with a little smile. 

"Guys," Y/n said. "We are like Disney princesses, we all don't have mothers," 

The other two stared at her. "Sorry jokes are my coping mechanism," she said looking down. 


"Can I sit here?" Harry asked as he and Y/n walked into the Great Hall. 

"Yeah," Hermione said. 

"I am sorry for yelling at you guys," He said looking at Peter, Hermione, and Ron. 

"Did something happen between you guys?" Y/n asked. 

"We were just trying to help Harry and were telling him to go to Dumbledore about what Pinkie Pie was doing and he was like 'No I can't he doesn't want to listen to me blah blah blah," Peter explained. 

"He hid that from all of us for all this time!" Ron exclaimed clearly feeling betrayed. 

"He didn't want us to worry about his problems as well as our own," Y/n said. "But he shouldn't have yelled at you lot," 

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