Y4 Chapter 10

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A/n: I am going with the Blue suit because that was the one that got more comments. 

3rd pov

The next Y/n woke up earlier than anyone in her dorm and saw a package next to her bed. She picked it up and there was a little note on it. 

"Dear Y/n, 

We don't know when this is going to get you but we hope it's before the Yule Ball begins because this package has your Yule Ball outfit which we forgot to buy during the summer so sorry about that but we sent the outfit we hope you like it because if you don't you are being father-phobic this is not a made-up word I promise.

Also, you and Harry did a great job on the first task, we read it in the newspaper, we are so proud of you both. Y̶O̶U̶ ̶W̶E̶R̶E̶ ̶S̶U̶C̶H̶ ̶A̶ ̶B̶A̶D̶A̶S̶S̶!̶ Enjoy the rest of the year and don't get into more than you already have. M̶a̶k̶e̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶t̶e̶a̶c̶h̶e̶r̶s̶ ̶h̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶r̶a̶i̶n̶b̶o̶w̶ ̶h̶a̶i̶r


Your amazing, brilliant, magnificent, truly beautiful, loving fathers"

Y/n chuckled to herself after reading the letter and then she put the letter down and opened the box. Inside she could see something in a baby blue color, Y/n took it out and gasped. It was a suit, one of the prettiest suits she had ever seen. 

She put the suit down on her bed and ran over to Hermione's bed. "Hermione, Hermione wake up!" she shook Hermione violently. 

"What do you want Y/n?" Hermione mumbled her eyes closed. 

"Get up I need to show you something!" Y/n said excitedly.

Hermione slowly got up and followed Y/n. "Look at that!" Y/n said pointing to her suit. 

Hermione rubbed her eyes and looked at Y/n bed, once she saw it clearly, she gasped. "Merlin it's beautiful!" she said. 

"I know," Y/n said. "I got it this morning from my dads," 

"You are going to look so good in this," Hermione said. "All the students will be swooning over you," 

"They already do that," Y/n said. 


Y/n, Harry, Ron, and Hermione were sitting around the tree near the black lake enjoying the cold weather. 

"You guys should really be working on finding out what the egg says," Hermione said. 

"Oh come on Hermione give them a break, it's Christmas," Ron said. 

"Yeah Hermione gives us a break," Y/n repeated. 

"I just want to make sure you guys know what you are going up against," Hermione said. 

"It's ok 'moine we will figure it out in time," Harry said. "Right Y/n?" 

"Yes," Y/n replied.

"You know you both are together but you don't act like it," Ron said. Harry and Y/n looked at each other confused. 

"Are we supposed to act differently?" Y/n asked. 

"I mean sort of," Hermione said. "Like you are supposed to go on dates, stare lovingly into each other's eyes for hours without saying a word, and do all the couple-ly thing," 

"We can stare into each other's eyes," Harry said. 

"Yeah, watch," Y/n said. The two faced each other and looked into each other's eyes but it wasn't the lovingly staring at your partner's eyes it was more of a who can keep their eyes open longer. It was a very intense stare and they weren't smiling, they were fighting each other with their eyes. 

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