Y5 Chapter 6

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3rd Pov

"You killed him!" 

"You are a monster!" 

"You are going to destroy the whole world!" 

"We never loved you!" 

"You were always a burden!" 

"Your biological parents left you because of what you are," 

Pictures of Y/n's friends and family flashed through, them saying horrible and hurtful things to her, she wanted them to stop but she couldn't, she couldn't do anything, she couldn't yell or speak, all she could do was see and hear them.  

With a jolt Y/n got up, breathing heavily and covered in cold sweat, she wanted to cry even though it was just a dream, it felt so real, the people looked so real. Did they really think that? Not wanting to go back to sleep, Y/n went to the window and sat down looking out as the sun rises. 

"Y/n?" A voice called, Y/n turned to see who it was. It was Hermione, she was wearing a pair of purple pajamas and her hair was in a braid. "Your up early today," 

"I had a nightmare," Y/n muttered. "Nothing to important though," she added. 

"I know you are lying," Hermione said sitting next to her. "Tell me what's wrong?" 

"It doesn't matter it was just a nightmare," Y/n said not wanting to talk about it. 

"You are sweating and look like you were punched in the stomach," Hermione said. 

"Hermione just let it go alright?" Y/n said a bit louder than she intended. 

"I am sorry, you were just feeling bad and I wanted to comfort you," Hermione said. "But if you don't need my help then fine," she got up and went to the bathroom. 

Y/n head in her hands. "Great I am making everyone mad at me," 

~At breakfast~

"Oh wonder just absolutely wonderful!" Peter said looking at a piece of paper. 

"What's wrong?" Hermione asked putting jam on her bread. 

"We have Snape and pinkie pie both in the same day and it's the first day back," Peter sighed putting his head down on the table. 

"I swear to Merlin this year just keeps getting worse and worse," Harry said.

"I know, I literally spent all night arguing with Lavender and Parvati trying to tell them that Y/n isn't a murder and Harry isn't a liar," Hermione said. 

"I am sorry but are we just going to ignore that fact that Peter just called Umbridge Pinkie pie?" Y/n said. 

"I know," Peter said. "Just slipped out," he put his head up and went back to eating his breakfast. 

"Isn't Pinkie pie a cartoon character?" Hermione asked. 

"It it," Harry said. "I would sometimes see Dudley watching it when we were little," 

"Your cousin's name is Dudley?" Peter asked. Harry nodded. "I am truly concerned for the people who decided to name their kid Dudley," 

"What's a cartoon?" Ron asked.

"It's drawings that move and talk basically," Y/n explained. 

"That's scary," 

"Not really I mean we have talking paintings and those drawings aren't actually real," Hermione said. 

"Fair point," Ron shrugged. 

After a few minutes of small talk and random conversations Y/n spoke to Hermione, they haven't been talking since this morning and it was really bugging Y/n, so she decided to apologize and just get that weight of her shoulder. 

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