Y7 Chapter 10

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If y'all think I am not gonna be killing characters y'all are gonna be very disappointed. 

3rd Pov

Soon after the girl in the painting, Arianna, came back. When she reached the end the painting opened to reveal a tunnel.

"Neville!" Harry said excitedly. "How you look-" 

"Like hell I reckon," Neville joked. "This is nothing, Seamus is worse. Hey Ab! We've got a couple more coming through," 

The three of them followed Neville into the tunnel. 

"Don't remember this on the Marauder's Map," Ron said. 

"That's because it never existed till now," Neville said. "The seven secret passages were sealed off before the start of the year. This is the only way in or out, now. The grounds are crawling with Death Eaters and Dementors," 

"How bad is Snape as Headmaster?" Hermione asked. 

"Hardly ever see him, it's the Carrows you gotta watch out for," 

"Carrows?" Harry asked. 

"Yeah, brother and sister. In charge of discipline. They like punishment, the Carrows," Neville pointed to his bruised face. 

"They did that to you?" Hermione asked. "Why?" 

"Today's Dark Arts class we were practicing the Cruciatus curse, on first years. I refused. Hogwarts has changed," 

They walked the rest of the way in silence, until they reached the end of the tunnel. "I've got you a surprise," Neville said to the students that had been sitting in the common room. 

"No more of Aberforth's cook gonna help," Seamus said. "We'd be surprised if we can digest it," 

Neville stepped aside to show Harry, Ron and Hermione. Everyone cheered with joy and ran towards them to greet them. Everyone except for three people who weren't in the Room of Requirements. 

"Okay, okay," Neville announced. "Let's not kill him before You Know Who does," 

"Okay," Harry said hesitantly looking around the room. "There is something we need to find. Something hidden here, in the castle, and it may help us defeat You Know Who," 

"Alright, what is it?" Neville asked. 

"We don't know," 

"Where is it?" 

"We don't know that either," Ron said. 

"I realize that's not much to go on," Harry admitted. 

"That's nothing to go on," Seamus said. 

"I think it has something to do with Ravenclaw," Harry said. "Something small, easily concealed. Anyone any ideas?" 

"Well there is Rowena Ravenclaw's lost Diadem," Luna said looking down. 

"Oh bloody hell, here we go," Ron sighed. 

"Lost Diadem of Ravenclaw?" Luna questioned. "Hasn't anyone heard of it? It's quite famous," 

"Yes, but Luna it's lost." Cho interjected. "For centuries now, there isn't a person alive who's seen it," 

"Excuse me, could someone tell me what a bloody diadem is?" Ron asked. 

"It's sort of a crown, you know, sort of like a tiara," Cho explained. 

No one said anything more until there was a creak in the door and Y/n, Stella, and Peter emerged into the room. 

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