Y4 Chapter 6

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I love the gif above. It's my favorite thing ever. 


3rd Pov

"How's there?" Y/n called. The figure turned around and Y/n saw his face perfectly lit in the moonlight. "Harry what are you doing here?" she asked walking next to him.

"I was freaking out about the whole tournament so I came up here," Harry said. "Ron didn't help either. He thought I put my name in when I didn't,"

"Don't freak out it will be fine and Ron will come around soon, " Y/n said. 

"I know I just feel like something is going to go wrong this year," Harry said. 

"What's the worst that could happen?" Y/n asked. "We have defeated Voldemort when we were 11 and this is we just have a death tournament," 

The two of them didn't say anything for a while but enjoyed each other presence and looked at the sky that was filled with stars. 

"You know I read this book and the main character and love interest, they are friends with each other and they go stargazing together where they confess their love for each other," Y/n said breaking the silence. Harry turned to look at her. 

"Did they?" Harry asked his eyebrows arched and Y/n nodded. "What happened next?" he asked stepping closer to her. 

"The love interest woke up," Y/n said smirking and walking closer to him. "And realized it was all a dream," 

"So I am dreaming? When did I fall asleep," Harry asked himself, he pinched himself to make sure he wasn't asleep. "I am not dreaming," he said. 

"I was talking about the book," Y/n said. Harry took a step back and cleared his throat. 

"Right, um... yeah, I knew that," Harry said scratching the back of his neck. 

"Of course you did," Y/n said. "Well we should get going, we have class tomorrow, Snape right after breakfast, great way to start the day," she said and left the Astronomy tower. 

Harry ran his hand through his hair. "Merlin, why am I so awkward?" he mumbled to himself.


The next day in Potions Y/n couldn't pay any attention because she was busy zoning out thinking about what could be the first task or when the class would end. 

"Miss. Lupin," Snape said in his monotone and annoying voice but Y/n didn't hear him. 

"Miss Lupin!" He said again but louder this time. Y/n blinked her eyes and looked at Snape. 

"Wot?" she asked and Snape rolled his eyes. 

"Mr. Creevey is here to take both you and Mr. Potter to take pictures for the tournament," He said in a bitter tone. 

"Oh ok," Y/n said taking her backpack and getting up. 

"Leave your stuff here," Snape said. 

"Uh... Professor, the headmaster said they need to bring their things," Colin said. 

"Fine, get out of my sight," Snape sneered and Harry and Y/n walked out. 

"It must be fun being Triwizard champion," Colin said.

"It really isn't," Harry said. 

"Yeah because everyone thinks that we cheated to get picked when we didn't even want to get picked in the first place," Y/n said. 

"Well whatever happens I hope Hogwarts wins," Colin said. 

"We'll try our best Colin," Harry smiled and the two of them entered to room with all the other champions. 

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