Y6 Chapter 2

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Even with Y/n and Stella's protest they ended up getting on the train to Hogwarts. "Ew there are so many children around," Stella said with a scrunched up face. 

Y/n chuckled. "You know we were like them once,"  

"I can't even imagine being that little, it seems like a lifetime ago but also like yesterday," Stella said looking around for a compartment. 

"I know... time flies by so fast," Y/n said with a sad smile. 

"Y/n! Stella!" A voice called from a compartment which pulled Y/n out of her thoughts. It was Neville waving to them. 

Stella opened the compartment door, there was Neville, Luna, Ginny, and Peter sitting there. 

"Hi," Peter said looking at Stella. 

"Hi," Stella said. 

Not talking to someone for 2 months can cause some level of awkwardness. 

"Are you just going to stand there and look stupid or actually sit down?" Y/n asked Stella. 

Stella sat down, across Peter, next to Luna, and Y/n bullied Ginny into giving her the window seat. 

"So how was your summer break," Neville asked. 

"It was alright," Ginny mumbled still glaring at Y/n for stealing her spot. "I got a pygmy puff,"

"It's quite beautiful," Luna said looking up from her paper.

"Thank you," Ginny said bashfully. 

Y/n and Stella looked at each other with hidden smirks. 

"What about you Peter, how was your break?" Neville asked. "How was America?"

"It was fun, I saw my aunt again but I missed you guys," Peter said. 

"Did you actually miss us or just Harry," Ginny said, with a laugh which earned her a smack from Y/n. 

"What about me?" A voice asked. In front of them was Harry. 

"Speak of the devil," Y/n said with a smile. 

"Oh so I am the devil now?" Harry asked with a smirk. 

"Well..." Y/n shrugged with a suppressed smile.

"Ginny could move please," Harry asked, the red head moved as far away from the couple as possible. 

Everyone was talking to each other, about how they had been over the break. While the conversation Stella kept to herself and would only talk when spoken to. As their conversation went on inside, there was a group of giggling girls forming on the outside. 

Eventually one of the girls opened the compartment door. "Harry why don't you come sit with me instead of them," the girl said. She had long dark curly hair, with dark eyes and a tawny complexion. 

"I am sorry what?" Harry asked in confusion. 

"I said why don't you come sit with me?" The girl asked again with a smile. 

"Why?" Harry asked. 

The girl's smile dropped. "Wh-what do you mean why?" 

"I mean why would I leave all my friends to sit with some random person?" 

Everyone sitting in the compartment was trying to hide their laughter, while the girl turned red with embarrassment. After a few seconds of standing, the girl stormed away with her friends following behind. 

"Who was that?" Harry asked. 

"Some girl from 3rd year," Ginny said. 

"She was thirteen?" Peter asked. 

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