Y5 Chapter 17

712 24 17

*Warning: Major character death* you have been warned

3rd Pov

Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Peter were inside Umbridge's office, while Harry was using Umbridge's fireplace to contact anyone at Grimmauld place to make sure Sirius was okay. Stella, Y/n, Luna, Ginny, and Neville were outside as lookout. 

"I don't think dad is in trouble," Y/n whispered to Stella. "I just think this is a trick of Voldemort's," 

"I mean yeah, I agree but how do we know it's Voldemort?" Stella asked. 

"Something just tells me it is," Y/n said. "It's just this gut feeling," 

"Uh...guys we need to warn the others Umbridge is coming," Ginny said looking forward at the figure walking towards them. 

"Shit," Stella mumbled. 

"Y/n go tell the others that she is coming, we'll buy you some time," Neville said. 


"Go!" He said urgently. 

Y/n ran into Umbridge's office and saw Harry's head in the fireplace and the other three looking over him. 

"People we need to leave Umbridge is here," Yn announced. 

"What?" Hermione asked. "But how?" 

"Does that really matter right now?" Y/n asked. "We need to get out!" 

"Harry mate come on!" Ron said pulling Harry. 

"What is it?" Harry asked pulling his head out. 

"Umbridge is here," Peter said. 

"Fuck," Harry said panicking. "We need to get out," 

"Exactly what I was saying," Y/n said. She turned around and bumped into someone. That someone just happened Umbridge with her awful smile staring back at them. 

"No one is going anywhere," Umbridge said. The Inquisitorial squad walked in with Stella, Luna, Ginny, and Neville with them. 


Umbridge pushed Harry onto a chair while the others were held back by the Inquisitorial squad.

"Now you will tell me exactly what you were trying to do," She snarled. "Were you contacting Dumbledore," 

"No!" Harry exclaimed. 

"Liar!" Umbridge yelled slapping him. Y/n tried to go forward but was held back by Draco. 

"I am going to fucking kill you," Y/n said to Draco. 

"Shut up," Draco said. Y/n jabbed him in the ribs. "You bitch," 

"Cunt," Y/n said rolling her eyes. 

The sound of fast footsteps was heard and a few moments later, Snape came into the room. 

"Headmistress you called?" Snape asked in his monotone voice. 

"Yes Severus, do you have any more veritaserum?" Umbridge asked hopefully. 

"I am afraid you used the last bit on miss Chang," Snape said. 

"Well how long will it take to make more?" 

"It will take a month, but you could use  always poison, it will kill the person but is useful," Snape said looking at Harry. 

"Ugh," Umbridge groaned. 

As Snape was leaving Harry called out to him. "He's got Padfoot at the place where it is hidden!" 

"What was that? What did the boy say?" Umbridge asked. 

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