Y4 Chapter 2

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3rd POV

"It's so..." Harry said looking at all the tents amazed. 

"Filled with people. Ew," Y/n completed making a disgusted face. "I would have rather stayed home and read than be surrounded with all these people,"

"I was going to say amazing but 'filled with people' also works," Harry said. 

"I love socializing but this is just way too many people, imagine all the germs floating around here," Y/n said as they walked towards their tent. 

"Do wizards have a way to just not be affected by the germs?" Harry asked. 

"Maybe..... I don't know," Y/n answered. 

"But you are a witch you spend your entire life here wouldn't you know?" Harry asked, it was a valid question. 

"I don't know everything about the wizarding world, I bet you don't know math," Y/n said. 

"I do... not know math," Harry said. "Why don't they teach wizards math?" 

"I don't know we really do need to learn math," Y/n said. 

"Kids we are here," Mr. Weasley said and they reached a tent with a board that said 'Wezzely' next to it. "We might be a little packed but it should be fine," 

"I am taking your stuff to our tent just come there when your done hanging out with your friends," Elizabeth said taking Y/n's bag. 

"Aye, aye captain," Y/n said smirking, and gave her a little salute. 

"You're just like Sirius and I don't know it's good or bad," Elizabeth said and left to go to her tent. 

"How are we all going to find in this small tent," Harry asked. 

"You'll see," Y/n said going in and Harry followed hesitantly. The tent was ten times bigger inside, it had a kitchen, couches, and bunk beds. It had enough space for all of them to fit it. 

"Get out of the kitchen Ron! Everybody's hungry!" Mr. Weasley told Ron. 

"Yeah, get out of the kitchen, Ron!" Fred and George said in unison. 

"Feet off the table," Mr.Weasley told the twins, who put their feet off the table. 

"Feet off the table," They said together putting their feet back on the table. 

"I love magic," Harry said. Y/n looked at his amazed face and smiled, realizing that she was staring at him, she quickly looked away hoping he didn't catch her staring. "You can stare all you want, I don't mind," Harry said smirking. He had noticed. 

"I wasn't staring at you," Y/n said her face heating up. 

"Sure you can think that love," Harry said still smirking. Oh how much Y/n wanted to wipe that smirk off his face. 

"Don't call me that," Y/n said, even though she loved it.

"Oh my god not this again," Ginny groaned. "I am so tired of you both I am going to go find Luna," she said. 

"Don't do something you're not supposed to!" Y/n called and Ginny flipped her off leaving the tent. 


"Dad, how far up are we?" Ron asked. They were currently walking up to find their seats since the World Cup was starting. 

"Well put it this way if it rains you will be the first to know," A cold and familiar said. They turned around to see Lucius Malfoy there with his son Draco and wife Narcissa. 

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