Before the Escape

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Sirius Black's Pov

It has been 12 years. 12 years since Lily and James died, 12 years since I last saw Y/n, my daughter, 12 years since I saw Remus, my Moony. 12 years and I am still in Azkaban.

I miss everyone, especially Remus, does he really think that I killed those muggles? What did he tell our daughter? Did he meet Harry yet? How is he handling the full moons without me? 

Every single day I hope for the same thing that Remus will come and meet me, that he will tell me that he believes me and hold me in his arms and tell me that everything will be ok but he comes and tells him he loves me.  For 12 years I sing the same song on repeat our song, hoping that somehow Moony will hear me and come and save me but he doesn't.

I can't do this anymore I can't I need to leave this place and find my Moony, I want to be in his arms I want to see him and hold and kiss him, I need him.

I am going to escape, I don't know how but I will see my Moony. 

Remus Lupin's Pov 

It's been 12 years since Sirius went to Azkaban, 12 years since James, Lily, and Peter died, 12 years since I lost everything. 

These past years I haven't been myself,  I have been crying myself to sleep every night, and some nights I can't even fall asleep. Sometimes I feel like I should stop and end all the pain but I don't, I can't do that I need to be here for Y/n she needs me. 

Sometimes I think to go and meet Sirius in Azkaban to tell him that everything will be ok, to hold him and never let go and tell him that I believe him and that he is innocent. I want to be with him, to hug him, comfort him, kiss him, I need him and he needs me. 

Every day I sing the same song hoping he is hearing me and knows that I am trying to believe him and that I still love him.

I know him and I know that he wouldn't kill so many muggles, he can't............... and he would never betray Lily and James, he wouldn't kill Peter. The ministry has got it all wrong, he didn't do it. It has to be someone else it can't be him. 

Could Peter have faked his death, killed all those muggles, and framed Sirius? No Peter wouldn't do that. I am overthinking this, I miss him so much that it's affecting my brain. 


I AM SORRY for the pain that I might caused but I was dying inside writing this chapter. The chapters will be longer after this. This chapter was added to cause emotional pain and trauma. Please don't kill me. OK that's it bye!

I will post a new chapter every week and since school is almost ending I might post twice a week.

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