Y5 Chapter 4

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3rd Pov

Y/n had gone down to get a muffin, where she saw that Harry was still here. He was sitting on a chair while Mrs. Weasley was trying to flatten his hair. Mr. Weasley was waiting patiently and Sirius who was also there was trying not to fall asleep. 

"Why are you still here?" Y/n asked. 

"I am trying to flatten his hair so he has a more professional look, and not look like he has just gotten out of bed," Mrs. Weasley said. "But it just won't be straight!" she groaned in frustration. 

"Ha! even your hair is not straight," Y/n mumbled, Sirius let out a small chuckle. Harry mouthed something like 'shut the fuck up, now is not the time'. While the others stared at her. 

"I am going to take my muffin and go," Y/n said, she was holding a giant chocolate chip muffin. "Good luck again," she told Harry and walked out of the kitchen.  

"Oh finally," Mrs. Weasley sighed. Harry's hair was somewhat flattened now. "Go on now otherwise you will be late,"

Harry got up from his chair. Sirius also stood up to give him a hug. "Good luck," He said. 

"Thanks," Harry said pulling away. 

"Lizzie is waiting for you and Aurthur outside, she will drive you to the Ministry," Sirius informed. 

"Good luck Harry and make sure to not say anything to get you in trouble," Mrs. Weasleys said. 

"I know," Harry said. 

He and Mr. Weasley walked out to find Elizabeth waiting in a car for them. "Get in we are getting late," she called. 

The two of them reached the car and got in, Mr. Weasley next to Elizabeth and Harry in the back. 

"Alright, let's get going," Lizzie said turning on the car. "Do you mind if I turn on some music?" she asked looking and them, they both shook their head. "Good," 

"So Harry how are you feeling?" Lizzie asked while 'Dancing Queen' played in the background. 

"Ok I guess," Harry said. 

"You don't have to be scared Harry, they cant punish you unfairly," Mr. Weasley said. 

"They did to Sirius," Lizzie mumbled, but Harry heard that and started to panic. "But that won't happen to you because you aren't an idiot like Sirius," she reassured him. 

"Ok, ok," Harry said breathing heavily. 

"Harry take some deep breaths and calm down ok," Lizzie said turning to look at him which almost made them crash. 

"ELIZABETH!" Mr. Weasley exclaimed. "Keep your eyes on the road, we could have died," 

"Sorry Arthur, I was just trying to calm the kid down," Lizzie said. 

"I know but don't kill us in the process," Mr. Weasley said. 

"No one is going to die, I am a very responsible driver," Lizzie said proudly. 

~At Grimmauld Place~

"Now I can read my haunted book in peace," Y/n said as she sat on her bed with a book in her hand. 

35 minutes into reading the book, Y/n completely forgot her surroundings and only focused on the book, slowly she felt herself floating up but she wasn't doing it, it was happening on its own. Y/n was floating about 30 inches above her bed, there were red balls of energy in her hands and the book was floating in front of her,  her eyes were turning red, and she was surrounded by little red wisps that were flying around her.

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