Y7 Chapter 8

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3rd Pov

Dobby was gone, even apparitions that could merely a second to transport one person from one place to another weren't fast enough to dodge Bellatrix's dagger. Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Y/n gave Dobby a small funeral and buried him on the sandy hills with a small headstone that read 

"Here Lies Dobby A Free Elf" 

"I need to talk to the goblin," Harry said out of the blue. Before this everyone had been quiet unsure of what to say. 

Bill led Harry, Hermione, and Ron up to Griphook's room, while Luna was downstairs with Fleur and Y/n in her own room. Writing a letter to Stella telling her that she was alright, she only hoped that this letter would reach her in time. 

While thinking of what to write in the letter, Y/n's quill dropped. She was about to reach down and pick it up but it floated upwards, entangled in red swirls. She did this, using her mind. It shocked Y/n, she thought that most of her powers resided in her hands, but then all the times she had done things just by thinking about it, came to mind. Y/n had spent the last couple years entirely using her hands to attack and defend, she had forgotten what she could do just with a thought. 

She left the letter and walked over to the cupboard that was behind her, and thought of lifting it soon enough the cupboard started to float. Beaming with joy, Y/n rushed back to her chair and decided to add that into her letter as well. Her sudden change of thought made the cupboard fall back down with a loud thud. Hearing the noise, Fleur came bursting through the door. 

"What was that?" She asked Y/n in shock. 

"Nothing," Y/n lied. "I just fell down,"

 "Alright then," Fleur said slowly closing the door. 

Y/n finished writing the letter and sent it via the owl Bill had given her. Before sending the owl away she put enchantments on it so that it would be invisible while the flies, that way it will be protected from being intercepted by the Death Eaters. 

When Y/n reached the bottom of the staircase, she almost had an heart attack upon noticing the people in the living room. There was Bellatrix and Rodolphus Lestrange standing in front of her. 

"Oh, Y/n you are here, how do I look?" Bellatrix asked but she sounded a lot like Hermione. 

"Excuse me?" Y/n asked. "What is going on here?" 

"We need to sneak into Bellatrix's vault, I think she has a Horcrux in there," Harry explained. 

"You are sneaking into Bellatrix's vault?" Y/n questioned. "Do you know what will happen if you lot get caught?" 

"Yes, we know but we have to do this, we have to get the Horcruxes as soon as possible," Harry said. 

"I know," Y/n sighed. "But isn't this too dangerous?" 

"Hey, I promise you we are going to be alright," Harry kissed her hands. "What is this?" He asked noticing the bracelet on her arms. 

"Oh nothing just a new bracelet I found," Y/n said pulling her hands away. 

"You are lying," 

"No I am not," 

"Yes you are," 

"Don't you have to go to sneak into a vault?" 

"That can wait, tell me why you are lying to me," Harry was so close to her he had to whisper. 

"It's a long story," Y/n said. "But I promise you after all this is over, I will tell you everything," Harry nodded. 

"I missed you so much these past months," He said leaning in to kiss her but the two abruptly let go of each other because of Griphook's aggressive coughing. 

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