Y5 Chapter 14

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3rd Pov

"Y/n you're still here I thought you were going on a date?" Lizzie asked as Y/n came downstairs. 

"Oh, Harry felt sick and it isn't the best weather so we decided to call it off and spend a day in," Y/n lied. 

"Are you sure?" Sirius asked. He and Lizzie were setting up the house for Christmas. "He seemed fine just a moment ago," 

"Well things change in a moment," Y/n said passively, the others looked at her weirdly. "Sorry I didn't mean to yell," 

"N/n are you sure you are ok?" Sirius asked. 

"I am fine," Y/n lied. "Has anyone seen my coat?" 

"Are you going somewhere?" Lizzie asked. 

"Yes, I need to buy presents for everyone," Y/n looked in the coat rack for her coat but couldn't find it. "Oh fine," She snapped her hands and she was wearing a black trench coat. Y/n walked out the door slamming it behind her. 

"Something is wrong," Sirius said as he watched his daughter leave. 

"Yeah, something happened between her and Harry," Lizzie said. 

"I swear to Merlin if he did anything to my daughter, I will murder and no I don't care that he is also my godson," Sirius said threatening. 

"How about let's not murder our best friends' son. Hm?" Lizzie said with a sarcastic smile. 

When Y/n walked out the door she bumped into someone. "Sorry," she apologized. 

"Y/n what are you doing?" Y/n looked up to see it was Remus. 

"Dad, where were you?" Y/n asked smiling. 

"On an order mission," Remus said simply. 

"What mission?" 

"A mission," 

"Yes, but what mission?" Y/n squinted her eyes. 

"Why do you want to know?" Remus asked copying Y/n's action. 

"I want to know if my father is going on a stupid life-threatening mission because an old man said so," 

"I promise you I am perfectly safe," Remus said. "Now where were you going?" 

"Shopping for Christmas presents," Y/n said. 

"By yourself?" Remus asked and Y/n nodded. "That seems...sad," 

"I just want to enjoy some me-time," Y/n said. 

"Uh-huh, well have fun, and did you get money?" 

"Nah, I was thinking of shoplifting," Y/n shrugged. 


"I am kidding," Y/n laughed. "I took some thousand galleons," 

"That's a lot of money," Remus exclaimed. 

"We're rich it's fine," 

"That doesn't mean you waste money," 

"I won't use all of it, now if you will excuse me," Y/n said. "Bye," 

"Bye," Remus called as Y/n walked down the cobblestone steps. 


Harry sat in his room with bloodshot eyes staring at the carpet on the floor, he didn't even realize when Hermione had walked into the room. 

"HARRY!" She yelled, he finally realized that she was there and turned around to look at her. Hermione noticed that his eyes looked like he was crying and he had a sad look on his face. 

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