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1st Pov

Having the whole world forget about my powers was amazing, all the lies the daily prophet had said about me weren't there at all but along with that all the good memories I had with my powers were also forgotten by people. 

For example, when I was 10 years old and I was finally able to move a jar with my mind, dad was so proud of me that day. 

Or the time when I used my magic to make Stella float at 2 am since we had seen a movie where a girl gets possessed and were trying to recreate but the Remus walked in to see if were sleeping or not. Seeing the sight terrified Remus and made  burst out in laughter. 

Or when Harry insisted on I using my powers to heal the scar Umbridge caused him, this didn't just heal Harry's scar, it made me feel less like a monster. 

Having to remember these moments when the others didn't was really hard but it was for the best. This was the perfect way for me to control my powers around others. 

3rd Pov

~Avengers Tower~ 

"Holy fucking shit!" Strange yelled opening his eyes. It had been the end of yet another year which meant Strange would be seeing the recap of the events Y/n went through this year to inform the team on what to do next. 

"LANGUAGE!" Steve yelled from the kitchen. 

"Strange what happened?" Wanda asked. 

"Your daughter," Strange said. 

"What did she do?" Wanda asked. 

"I'll need everyone for this," Strange said. "Friday tell everyone to come to the living room please," 

"Yes Mr. Strange," The AI said. Within a few minutes all the Avengers were in the living room. 

"So," Strange started. "Y/n Natalya Maximoff-" 

"Pronountication is off but I will let it slide because you white people can't pronounce anything," Pietro said. 

"Shut up Pietro," Wanda scolded her brother. 

"Also do we need the full name intro?" Pietro asked. 

"Yes, for people to know her actual name," Wanda said looking straight at the readers. 

"Wanda, honey you are doing the thing again, where you scare everyone by breaking the fourth wall," Vision said. 

"What the fuck..." Tony mumbled. The others started at the couple in confusion. 

"Anyways, back to what I was saying, Y/n just made the entire wizarding world forget about her powers altering her entire destiny, the whole purpose that Dumbledore had took her for he doesn't even remember, he only knows that she is the adopted daughter of Remus Lupin and Sirius Black," Strange explained. "And the prophecy that said she will kill Voldemort is also gone," 

"So we can get her back?" Wanda asked hopeful of seeing her daughter. 

"No," Strange said looking down. 

"Why?" Wanda asked. "She freed herself from what she was prophesied to do, she doesn't need to stay in that world anymore, she can live with her real family," 

"But Y/n still remembers everything right?" Tony asked. 

"Exactly, she still knows what she is capable of and not only that her whole world is the wizarding world, she has people who she loves in that world, we can't just rip her away from them," Strange said. 

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