The Scarlet Witch

678 17 13

Manhattan, New York

"You told Y/n about everything," Strange asked Peter in a disappointed tone. 

"She's a mind reader, she would have found out anywhere!" Peter exclaimed. "And she is very threatening," 

"I am so proud of my niece!" Pietro said with a big smile. 

"Pietro, not now," Wanda said nudging him. "Strange do you have any other news?" 

"Well, Dumbledore is dead, Harry Potter and two of his friends are going to find the horcruxes, and Y/n is basically a superhero in the wizarding world now," Strange said. 

"Isn't Dumbledore the main dude? Like the dark wizard?" Tony asked. 

"No, that's Voldemort," Peter said. "Dumbledore was the Headmaster of Hogwarts, wasn't a great guy either but still," 

"What are horcruxes?" Steve asked in confusion. 

"They are objects that have a piece of Voldemort's soul in it and these objects need to be destroyed for Voldemort to die," Strange explained. 

"That is brilliant magic," Thor said in amusement. "Loki, can you do something like that?" 

"I can do much better things than that," Loki said with an eye roll. 

"Ok, nobody cares reindeer games," Tony said. "Strange what is our next course of action?" 

"Well, Peter is going to stay with Y/n until Voldemort's death as planned and then if needed we will go there and help with the battle," 

"What? Why?" Steve asked. "Isn't the Order of the Phoenix there?" 

"The Order is capable yes but compared to the Death Eaters they aren't nearly enough, and the Death Eaters aren't afraid to kill unlike many members of the Order," Natasha said.

"Well looks like I'll need to get Barton out of retirement again," Tony said taking out his phone. 

"You don't need to do anything right now," Strange said. "We will only go if the Order can't protect everyone or if Y/n is about to do something dangerous," 

"What is something dangerous?" Pietro asked. 

"I can't believe we are having this conversation again," Sirius sighed. "Like using her powers to such limits that ends up killing her or...becoming the Scarlet Witch, which is highly probable since she has found the Darkhold once again," 

"It is her destiny to become the Scarlet Witch," Wanda said looking down. "That is why she keeps finding the Darkhold, she is meant to finish it found out who she is," 

"But won't the book corrupt her?" Vision asked. 

"It will but it will also show her her truth, every Scarlet Witch in history has gone through it," 

"There have been multiple Scarlet Witches?" Tony asked. "I thought you were the first one," 

"I wasn't, my biological mother, Natalya Maximoff was the Scarlet Witch of her time, it then passed down to me, it has been something that has been passed down my family for generations," Wanda explained. 

"But doesn't the Darkhold says 'The Scarlet Witch isn't born she is forged' but Y/n was born and people before her were also Scarlet Witches, so is the Darkhold wrong?" Tony asked. "I am only asking on what I have hear you people say," 

"It isn't wrong, Y/n would have just been a witch with powers similar to mine but on a much smaller scale if she didn't find the Darkhold, but she did so now, she will know she is the Scarlet Witch and the powers in her of the Scarlet Witch will unleash and if she is out of control she will destroy the multiverse," 

"Which is why we will need to be there," Strange said. 

"But then Miss. Maximoff what will happen to you?" Peter asked. "If Y/n becomes the Scarlet Witch, will you lose your powers," 

"I won't lose my powers, but they will diminish, I will no longer be the Scarlet Witch but just a witch," 

"So now that everyone knows what will happen, I do not want anymore questions about this topic," Strange said opening a portal. "See you next month for another meeting," 


A/n: If you can't already tell shit is about to go down at the Battle of Hogwarts

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