Y5 Chapter 15

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3rd Pov

Y/n followed Harry upstairs keeping her distance. They walked into the room and Y/n stood there waiting for Harry as he rummaged for things under the bed. He pulled out a leather-bound book and handed it to Y/n. 

"I didn't think when I made this that we wouldn't be together anymore," He said rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "But I still wanted to give it to you," 

"Thanks," Y/n said flashing him a small smile. 

She opened the book to the first page and written on there was "Y/n and Harry throughout the years"  Y/n looked at Harry in confusion and then flipped through the pages. There was at least one picture of the two of them since they had met till the most recent one. 

"Harry this is wonderful!" Y/n said smiling. "Thank you," She was going to hug him but stopped in the middle, hoping Harry didn't notice. He did, and it broke his heart. "Well we better get going now, the others are waiting for us," She said starting to leave. 

"Yeah," Harry muttered looking down. 

"I'll just put this somewhere safe and I'll be right there," Y/n said. 

"Ok, see you," Harry said and left the room. Y/n closed the door behind him and opened the book again. 

Sitting down on her bed, she flipped through the pages noticing the small notes Harry had written in the corners and margins of the pages. There was a picture of the two of them in their second year, where Y/n was using her magic to float cubes and Harry was pretending to do the same thing by making her fingers look wiggly. 

She flipped a couple more pages and saw the picture of them asleep together on the common room couch from third year.

Then in fourth year when Harry ran to Y/n after she had finished her first task and had picked her up. The picture was a bit blurry since the two of them were spinning around but you could tell they seemed happy, and they were. 

The last one was in their fifth year it was in the Dumbledore's army when Harry was helping Y/n with a charm though she didn't need it, and he knew that, he was only there to be with her. 

An unknown tear made its way down Y/n's cheek, she wiped it away and put the book in her drawer. Pushing away her feelings she put on her coat and walked outside to where everyone was enjoying the snow. 

~~Long time skip brought to you by our main couple's broken hearts :)~~

It was the last day of the winter break and the kids were going back to Hogwarts, which none of them was excited for, except for maybe Hermione. 

"Wait so you are related to the Malfoys?" Peter asked Y/n and Stella. They were looking at a tapestry that had the entire Black family tree on it. 

"Yeah and the Weasleys," Stella said. "But it's very distant," 

"And what are the burned spots on it?" Peter questioned. 

"Blood traitors," Y/n said. "People who did follow the saying "Toujours Pur"," Y/n said. 

"Toujours Pur?" 

"Always Pure," Y/n said. "They didn't marry purebloods or supported muggles," 

"Wait but then why is Regulus Black's name burned too, didn't he marry Lizzie who is a muggle-born?" Peter asked. 

"Funny story actually, since my dad was a momma's boy and wanted to keep her happy he lied to her and told her that my mother came from a pureblood family, but was from Norway that's why her family name wasn't in the 'Scared 28'," Stella explained. 

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