Y6 Chapter 6

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3rd Pov

It was the first Quidditch match of the year, between Gryffindor and Slytherin. Everyone was in the Great Hall to have some breakfast before going out for the match. Ron walked in much later than everyone else, and he looked terrified. He walked across the hall and sat down where his friends were. 

"So how was it, then?" Ron asked. 

"How was what?" Hermione asked. 

"You're dinner party," Ron said. 

"Pretty boring actually," Hermione replied. 

"Yeah, I mean what did you expect it was filled with famous snobs, excluding a few people," Y/n said. 

"Bet they talked about hunting," Peter said. 

"They did actually, well only Cormac did," Harry said. 

"I am freaking psychic," Peter joked. 

"Slughorn's having Christmas too you know, and we are meant to bring someone," Hermione said. 

"I expect you'll be bringing McLaggen, he's in the Slug Club isn't he?" Ron said. 

"Someone's jealous," Y/n mumbled, Peter and Harry heard her and tried to hide their smiles. 

"Actually I was going to ask you," Hermione said.

"Really?" Ron asked feeling a bit guilty for assuming. 

"Good luck, today Ron!" Lavender said coming up behind him. "I know you will be brilliant," 

"Do you think she is..." Peter whispered to Y/n.

"Oh yeah, totally," Y/n whispered back. 

"I am resigning. After today's match, McLaggen can have my spot," Ron said worriedly. 

"Ew, no the pervert," Y/n cringed. 

"Have it your way," Harry said handing Ron a flask of juice. 

"Hello everyone," A soft voice said. It was Luna and she was wearing a giant lion headpiece. 

"Hello," They all said. 

"Hey, Luna," Ginny said who was talking to some other students previously. 

"You look dreadful, Ron" Luna said looking at him. "Is that why you put something in his cup?" she asked turning to Harry. "Is it a tonic?"

Harry put away a small vial back in his pocket. 

"Liquid luck," Hermione said. "Don't drink it Ron!" She said turning to Ron. "You could be expelled for that you know?" she told Harry. 

"I don't know what you are talking about," Harry said with a smirk. 

"Come on, Harry we've got a game to win," Ron said, him and Harry got up and left the Great Hall. 

"They are going to get in trouble if anyone finds out," Hermione said watching the two of them leave. 

"Oh Hermione, please it's not like you haven't done things like that," Peter said. 

"How do you-I mean what are you talking about?" Hermione asked. 

"You know what I am talking down," He said getting up. 

"See you at the match 'moine," Y/n said also getting up. 


It was a snowing outside, not the best weather for Quidditch but it still worked, the game had began after an interesting introduction of the teams by the announcer who was Luna. 

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