Y4 Chapter 13

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3rd Pov

The maze was really easy, way too easy in fact, Y/n had walked through the maze without any problems at all, the maze didn't change direction, nothing or no one popped out to scare her. It was like taking a stroll in a garden. It was the last task so Y/n expected it to be harder than the other ones and she was bored just walking around. 

"Come on something pop out of somewhere, drag me in the bush, something just happen, this is so boring," Y/n said walking. 

She walked a little forward when she heard someone's voice scream in pain. Y/n ran towards the voice and now the maze had to cave in and redirect her. 

Y/n groaned in annoyance. "You have to try to kill me now!" she said. "This may be against the rules but I got to save a life," 

She tried to fly but as soon as she jumped to get in the momentum vines grabbed her leg making her fall face-first to the ground. "I am going to kill all of you vines," she said irritated wiping the dirt off her face. 

Y/n tried to conjure up a dagger to set herself free but the vines got a hold of her hands. "Aw Fuck!" she yelled. 

She knew she had to get away right now otherwise whoever that was. Y/n mustered all the power she could and blasted the vines quickly getting up. 

"I didn't know I could do that," she said shocked, and brushed all the dirt from her clothes. She didn't hear the voice anymore but saw a red light shoot up in the air. 

"Someone helped them, that's good," Y/n sighed smiling. "Guess I better keep walking towards the cup," and she continued to walk. 

She walked for a little while until she came across a dead end, before she was going to go the other direction something appeared there, it was a Sphinx. 

"You will only be able to pass once you answer this riddle," The Sphinx said. 

"Ok, what is it?" Y/n asked. 

The Sphinx cleared its throat and said. "I am lighter than air but a hundred people cannot lift me. Careful I am fragile. What am I?"  

"I really wish Hermione was here right now," Y/n mumbled. "Lighter than air and fragile but even a hundred people can't lift it, what could it be?" she thought. 

"Light and fragile," Y/n repeated many times until it clicked it. "Light and fragile but even a hundred people can't lift it, it's a bubble," she said. 

"Correct," The Sphinx declared. "You may go on," The Sphinx moved and the dead-end cleared making a path for Y/n. 

She walked forward for five minutes with nothing much happening until she saw someone who was walking very suspiciously like they were trying to sneak up on someone. Y/n walked closer, careful not to make a sound. "Crack!" Y/n breathed hitched she slowly looked down to see that she had stepped on a twig, she looked up to see the person looking in Y/n's direction. 

"Viktor?" Y/n said when she had seen him. "What are you doing?" she asked stepping closer to him. "Why are your eyes like that?" 

Without answering Viktor grabbed her by the neck and started to choke her. "You ruined my plan," he said and then threw her on the floor and left. 

Y/n rubbed her neck and coughed. "What plan?" she thought. She got up and followed him this time making sure she didn't step on anything or make any noise. 

She followed him for a few minutes until he reached Cedric, who was just as confused to see him like this, just as Y/n was. 

"Viktor what is-" Cedric started but was cut off. 

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