Chore Wars

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I was laughing with Adam, Bree and Chase when we saw Leo with goggles on his head

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I was laughing with Adam, Bree and Chase when we saw Leo with goggles on his head. 

Adam laughed. " Leo, I know you want to be a superhero, but that's the worst costume ever."

"I was cleaning the bathroom, so I could get some money to see my favorite movie. But someone who shall remain nameless-" he looked at his mother with an accused look. "-won't let me go."

Chase was astonished. "Wait a minute. You get paid money just for cleaning stuff?" 

"What? And you don't. This guy." I laughed and slapped his shoulder.

"Oh, yeah. Most kids have chores. You clean things around the house, and then you get an allowance from your parents." Tasha explained. The three siblings looked excited and walked towards Tasha, declaring what they want.

" I want chores!"

" I want money!"

"Oh, I want a big furry hat so I can wear it to scare animals!"

Leo walked up towards us. "You guys can finish my chores. There's no reason for me to have money since Miss Bank-Manager put a freeze on my fun account!" Then he turned to me to go down the lab. I followed as I heard Bree ask Tasha where to begin. Hopefully, they spend their money wisely.

. . .

This would be Adam, Bree, and Chase's first summer out of the lab and they were very excited for it to be here, but I was excited for only one thing right now. That was Pig Zombie 3D Cruise Ship Massacre.

"The new Pig Zombie movie comes out this weekend and I can't go." wallowed Leo.

"Wait, did you say Pig Zombie?" Davenport asked and Leo looked at him.

They stared at each other and screamed. "TO EAT YOUR FACE!" Davenport made a pig noise and Leo pretending to be scared. "No way! You like Pig Zombies?" I asked him.

"Do I breathe? They're only the greatest movies in the history of movies ever made. Ever!"

"This is surprising considering you're an old man." I put a hand on my chin as he glared at me.

Davenport turned to Leo and smiled. "I know! I memorized every line by heart!" He did his impression of the pig zombie oink. "I am so glad I have people to watch these movies with. Bree hates them, Adam is scared of them and Chase always ruins them with logic. 'A pig can't peel a banana. A pig can't crack a safe. A pig can't jump an 18 wheeler over an unfinished section of highway.'"

"Remind me to never watch a movie with Chase." I told them then I turned to Leo. "Why can't you go and see the new one?"

Leo shrugged. "Cause... I have no one to go with."

"Oh yeah. Same." I agreed.

Davenport put a hand on each of our shoulders. "Well, you both have someone who's going to go with you now! We'll go see the new one on Friday, and then Sunday, the three of us will watch the 'Big Pig' marathon on TV! It'll be out Pig Zombie Pork-A-Palooza!"

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