When He Accidentally Hits You

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John Lennon~ For some reason, you decided to prank your boyfriend, John. John was in the kitchen doing god knows what. It was six in the afternoon, and you were bored. So why not? You grin to yourself thinking this was a good idea, you slowly crept your way to the kitchen. Holding your breath and biting your bottom lip  to prevent from laughing.

As you were now behind him, you mentally sigh and said  "Boo!" SMACK! "Ow!" "Holy crap, you scared the shit out of me!" John cried. He kneel down and cringe seeing the mark on your cheek. "I'm ok, I'm ok." You kept saying. "Why would you scared you me like that? I thought you were a stranger." You rolled your eyes and scoff. "First, I was bored. Second, who the hell lives here besides us?!" John put his hands up in defense and replied "You don't know, a burglar can break in." You sigh and got up from the ground. "Yeah, I guess you're right."

He chuckle and gets up as well "But you're ok though, right?" He softly asked as he wrapped his arms around your waist. You nodded and giggle "I'm alright, John. But god, did that hurt!" John laughs and picks you up around his shoulder and you laugh. "John, what are you doing?" John grins "What? I hurt my girl, now I have to heal her wound." "John, we just passed by the bathroom." John snickers and smirk "Your cheek isn't the only thing that'll hurt tonight."

Paul McCartney~ You and Paul were moving into your new apartment, he decided to help since he wants to spend time with you. And  helping you of course. You were in the living room, putting some things away, and Paul was outside. You start heading outside with a few empty boxes on your hands, and without looking or knowing. WHACK! 

Paul hit you with your own apartment's door. "Ouch!" You yelp. "Oh my god, Y/n, I'm so sorry love!" Paul dropped some boxes and check on your face. "Are you ok, love?" He asked. "Yeah. I'm good. I'm not bleeding or anything?" He examined your face and sigh in relief "No, nothing broken." "Might have a bruise, though." You sigh. Paul chuckle "Better than a broken nose, right?"

George Harrison~ You were taking a nice, long nap. When suddenly, "OOF!" You were squished by something, well more like someone. "George, get off me!" You yelled. "Shit, sorry love!" He quickly got off you and laugh. "It's not funny, your elbow hit my stomach." "Alright, alright, I'm sorry. Let me see." George put your shirt up and looks at it for a while. "Well, there isn't a bruise." He said. You sigh and lay down again. "That's good." You mumble. 

You feel yourself falling asleep again, George laying next to you while rubbing your stomach. "I'm sorry, love. Go back to sleep." You smile and fell asleep, while George rub your stomach and kiss your cheek.

Ringo Starr~ You were walking down the halls when a arm hit your breasts. "OOWW!" You cried. "Oh I'm sorry, darling. I didn't see you there, are you ok?!!" Ringo asked. You shook your head "No, you hit my boobs!" He snickered at the word "boobs", which is a typical Ringo, but quickly got serious. "Sorry darling, I was in a rush and I didn't see you coming." You cover your breasts with your arms and groan "It's ok, I'm ok now." 

Ringo remove your hands from your breasts and replace his instead. You blush "Ringo!" "What? I'm trying to ease your pain." He said. "I can do that myself!" "Wow, they're so squishy." "RINGO!"

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