George Harrison 7

825 5 0

"Honey I'm home!" George exclaimed. You look at him with an expression of sadness. He looks at you worry and rushed towards you and holds your both hands. "Baby what's wrong?" He asked softly. You look up to him and soon tears starts falling from your eyes, "George I-" You burst into tears and wrap your arms around him. "Oh George I'm so sorry I- I had a miscarriage!" "Oh Y/n, don't say sorry." He tried to calm you down. "I-It's my fault that I lost the baby. Oh George you were so happy and now I lost it, I'm useless!" You cry so hard, that your face start turning red.

"You're not useless. It's not your fault and nobody's fault. These thing happens and I'm going to help you get through it, that's what marriage is for. To help you get through rough times. Now give me that smile I love, come baby show me that smile." He cooed. He starts tickling you and you start giggling, "No please, stop!" You begged. "There you go, that's the smile I love." You blush and smile wider, but soon it disappear.

"But I'm still sad about this, I really wanted to have the baby. I wanted to start a family." George sigh sadly and hugs you and kiss your forehead. "Me too baby, but there's always next time you know?" You smile and hug him tighter. "Thank you George, I love you." He smiles and kiss your cheek. "You're welcome love, I hate seeing you sad, and I love you too." And you smile and give him a kiss on his lips.

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