John Lennon 12

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"Come on John, say something to her it's obviously you like her." Paul said to him. John just shook his head "N-no I don't, I just want fuck her that's all." Paul shook his head "No you don't, you want to love her. Remember that one time a group of lads said that they'll love to fuck her and all that and you start getting angry and I heard you whisper saying No you're not you fucking cunt."

John sigh knowing he's right, you see you and John met in a bar and well you two had a good time, you guys got to known each other. Ever since that, John couldn't stop thinking about you, hell he barely talks to anyone except you. "B-But what if she doesn't like me, now what?" John start freaking out and Paul chuckles "Relax Johnny boy, you're handsome and a good man who wouldn't like you? Plus if she doesn't like you, fight for her love." John sighs again but said "Yeah you're right Macca, thanks."

"No problem, go get 'em tiger." John laughs and heads in your way. Eventually he confesses his feelings towards and you smile at him and kiss him on the lips and wrote in a piece of paper saying;

"Pick me up at 7

And he grin and said "With pleasure."

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