Who You Used To Date

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John Lennon~ You never had a boyfriend before, though you did liked a boy in middle school, but that's pretty much it. John is your first boyfriend and first husband, but certainly he wouldn't be your last husband.

Paul McCartney~ Before Paul, you used to date a guy name Ricky back in high school. You were 16 years old, and he was 17. It lasted about six months, then after he finished school first. He said he wanted to go to college and can't have a girlfriend right now. For he wanted to focus on his education, you understand and wished him well.

He wished you the best of luck and remained friends, until sadly he passed  away due to a car accident. He died 1968, a few months before your wedding with Paul.

George Harrison~ Keith Richards. This was the beginning of the British Invasion, 1963. You met him a local party since you were friends with the Beatles and this and was behind you and George were a couple. After meeting Keith, he found you attractive and wanted to get to known you better.

He asked you on a date to a nearby coffee shop and you accepted. After talking for weeks, he asked you be his girl, and you said yes. Sadly, two years later you two broke up due to him cheating on you. This wasn't the first time he cheated on you, and you warned him if he does it again you will leave him for good... And you did.

Ringo Starr~ Same thing like John. You never had a boyfriend, but you did had a crushed a boy in high school, you never had the guts to confessed though. After high school, you and the guy you liked bumped into each other one day.

He offered you a ride home and you agreed. He took you home and before you entered your house. He grabbed your hand and said "You know, I always liked you. I- I just never had the guts to tell you that. I like to get to know you, Y/n. Would you like to maybe go out sometimes?"

"I'm sorry, I'm not interested. Plus, I used to have a crush on you back in high school." He chuckles. "Oh well, it was worth a try. Though, I still like to go out sometimes as friends. That is if you accept?" You smile and nodded. "That sounds nice, pick me up tomorrow at six." He chuckles and agreed.

Even though you end up with Ringo, you and the guy from high school end up being good friends later in life.

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